Eric Schmidt at Stanford University about AI-Future
The most important AI situational report by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt
Zach Vorhies / Google Whistleblower
They are trying to scrub this interview he gave at Stanford everywhere.
Was ist das Problem mit KI / AI?
Künstliche Intelligenz simuliert und beschleunigt unsere materielle Welt, die bis zum sogenannten Punkt der Singularität führt in einer Art und Weise, die jede menschliche Fähigkeit übertrifft. Singulariät beschreibt den Zeithorizont, welcher Wissen und Fähigkeiten des Menschen von AI überschritten wird. Der spezifische Turing Test benennt den Zeitpunkt, an dem der Mensch nicht mehr WAHR-NEHMEN kann, ob die Quelle und Ursprung z.B. von Bild, Sprache oder bewegtes Bild authentisch real ist oder künstlich von AI-System erzeugt wurde, und zwar auch in Echtzeit.
Es ist zu befürchten, dass die Öffentlichkeit über das Stadium der Entwicklung nicht richtig informiert wird und wir den Turing Test und Singularität Horizont bereits überschritten haben. Die Folgen gehen weit über die Vorstellungskraft hinaus, selbst Experten sind unsicher, dennoch wird keinerlei Vorsicht an den Tag gelegt:
- Machtkonzentration
- Arbeitslosigkeit
- Manipulation
- Totalüberwachung
- Bewusstseinskontrolle
- Spirituelle Manipulation
- Fremdbestimmung
Google DeepMind staff call for end to military contracts
In May 2024, around 200 employees at Google DeepMind (representing roughly 5 percent of the division) signed a letter urging the company to end its contracts with military organizations, expressing concerns that its AI technology was being used for warfare, Time magazine reported.
The letter states that employee concerns aren’t “about the geopolitics of any particular conflict,” but it does link out to Time’s reporting on Google’s defense contract with the Israeli military, known as Project Nimbus. The letter also points to reports that the Israeli military uses AI for mass surveillance and to select targets in its bombing campaign in Gaza, with Israeli weapon firms mandated by the government to purchase cloud services from Google and Amazon.
The letter highlights tensions within Google between its AI division and its cloud business, which sells AI services to militaries. At the company’s flagship Google I/O conference earlier this year, pro-Palestine protestors chained together at the attendee entrance, protesting Lavender, “Where’s Daddy?” software, the “Gospel” AI program, and Project Nimbus.
The use of AI in warfare has spread rapidly, pushing some technologists who build related systems to speak out. But Google also made a specific commitment: when it acquired DeepMind in 2014, the lab’s leaders required that their AI technology would never be used for military or surveillance purposes.
“Any involvement with military and weapon manufacturing impacts our position as leaders in ethical and responsible AI, and goes against our mission statement and stated AI Principles,” the letter that circulated inside Google DeepMind says.
As Time reports, the letter from DeepMind staff urges leadership to investigate claims that Google cloud services are being used by militaries and weapons manufacturers, to cut off military access to DeepMind’s technology, and to establish a new governance body to prevent future use of the AI by military clients.
Time reports that despite employee concerns and calls for action, there has been “no meaningful response” from Google so far.
AGI und Superintelligenz ist greifbar und die Entwicklung und Steuerung eines selbstlernenden maschinellen Universum liegt in sehr wenigen Händen:
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