Kamal Ravikant’s book, Love Yourself, made HighExistence.com’s list of 25 Best Books to Read Before You’re 25. In this speech from Awesomeness Fest West in the Dominican Republic in 2013, he shares some wisdom on why self-love is really what truly matters in life. In the video, Kama poses the question “Does life happen TO you? Or does life happen FOR you?”
He then goes on to talk about the importance of truly loving yourself
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have some amazing experiences in my life so far. I’ve trekked to one of the highest basecamps in the Himalayas, meditated with Tibetan monks in the Dalai Lama’s monastery, earned my US Army Infantry patch, walked 550 miles across Spain, lived in Paris, been the only non-black, non-woman member of the Black Women’s writers’ group, written a novel, held the hands of dying patients, and worked with some of the best people in Silicon Valley. But the most transformative experience has been the simple act of loving myself.”
The speech is a raw, honest, 20-minute summary of how a highly successful entrepreneur and investor was forced to re-evaluate his life.
Kamal beautifully connects the left-brained world of Silicon Valley, with the world of the heart. And connects both realms beautifully.
The speech does not have a single point – he follows a stream of consciousness and delivers multiple life lessons. The result was a standing ovation speech at Awesomeness Fest.
Awesomeness Fest West in the Dominican Republic in 2013
Incidentally that same approach was what he used to write his book. Which went from a few self-published copies to selling thousands and making the Top 25 Books to Read List on HighExistence.com.
Silicon Valley
Achtsamkeit bzw. Mindfulness – ein Geschäftsmodell?
Digital Disconnection
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