Die Welt verändert sich schnell, sehen Sie, wohin die Reise geht? Der globale Stratege Parag Khanna kartiert unseren Hyper-verbundenen Planeten in CONNECTOGRAPHY. Wir beschleunigen uns in eine Zukunft, die weniger durch Länder als durch Konnektivität geprägt ist. Die Menschheit hat eine neue Maxime – Konnektivität ist ihr Schicksal – und die am meisten verbundenen Mächte und Menschen werden gewinnen.
In diesem Buch führt uns Parag Khanna durch die aufstrebende globale Netzwerk-Zivilisation, in der Megastädte über Konnektivität mehr als Grenzen konkurrieren. Seine Reisen führen uns von der Ukraine bis zum Iran, von der Mongolei bis Nordkorea, von Panama City bis Dubai und vom Polarkreis bis zum Südchinesischen Meer – allesamt, um zu zeigen, dass der Konflikt des 21. Jahrhunderts ein Tauziehen über Pipelines und Internetkabel, fortschrittliche Technologien und Marktzugang ist.
Doch Connectography ist eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunftsvision. Khanna argumentiert, dass neue Energieentdeckungen und Innovationen die Notwendigkeit von Ressourcenkriegen eliminiert haben, globale finanzielle Mittel eingesetzt werden, um produktive Infrastrukturen aufzubauen, die Ungleichheiten verringern können, und schwache Regionen wie Afrika und der Nahe Osten ihre angespannten kolonialen Grenzen durch ehrgeizige neue Transportkorridore und Stromnetze entschlüsseln. Unter dem Chaos einer scheinbar zerfallenden Welt befindet sich eine neue Grundlage der Konnektivität, die sie zusammenhält. Connectography
Kirkus Review | 3 February 2016
Global strategist Khanna (Asia and Globalization/National Univ. of Singapore; How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance, 2011, etc.) analyzes the new world of global connectivity.
Take what you think you know about globalization. Now add steroids. No ocean or continent goes untouched in the author’s version of how human life is organized on Earth. We are headed, he insists, for a supply-chain world where, following the ancient law of supply and demand, ever expanding infrastructures of all varieties (including Internet cables) will channel commerce and talent, binding us culturally and economically ever more closely, obscuring if not entirely eliminating national boundaries. In the endless struggle for leverage, “the supply chain tug-of-war,” ideology takes a back seat to commerce, and connectivity becomes paramount. A twin dynamic propels these infrastructure connections: first comes devolution, the fragmentation of territory into ever smaller units of authority (think the Soviet Union), and then, aggregation, the coming together of those units into something larger (think the European Union). A well-traveled, well-informed guide, Khanna makes persuasive use of pointed facts, surprising detail, and intriguing queries to demonstrate the degree of hyperconnectivity already upon us. Quick, can you say with any certainty where the car you drive was “made?” Did you know today’s most visited city is Dubai or that by 2025 over 40 cities will have populations of more than 10 million people? That China has only one aircraft carrier but maintains the world’s largest merchant marine fleet? That Canada’s water may be more valuable than oil in the 21st century? Khanna’s arguments range from a stout defense of the notion of “global citizens” to the futility of freezing today’s political map, the virtues of reciprocity over protectionism, and the degree of foreign investment between two nations as the strongest predictor of stable relations.
A consistently interesting, almost wholly persuasive vision of a future in which flow prevails over friction, where globalization’s new “scale, depth, and intensity” reshape the map we thought we knew.
Parag Khanna is a leading global strategist, world traveler, and best-selling author. He is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He is also the Managing Partner of Hybrid Reality, a boutique geostrategic advisory firm, and Co-Founder & CEO of Factotum, a leading content branding agency. Read more.
Technocracy: Neofeudalism, Peasants And Pitchforks
The technocratic takeover that was dreamed up in the 1920’s has never gone away. Rising from its ashes in the form of the Trilateral Commission, the people in charge of wanting to create a technocratic utopia on earth are closer to achieving it than ever before. To help us understand its implications and how these technocrats think, here an interview with Patrick Wood of Technocracy. News and author of Trilaterals Over Washington, and Technocracy Rising.
Technocracy is synomous with Scientific Dictatorship where the "system" rules. Globalism advocate and scholar Dr. Parag Khanna said exactly that in his book, Connectography: ”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer some-thing that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.” >> Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising