Piercing the Veil of Reality

Archetypes, America, And A Guide To The Months Ahead

Suggestions to navigate the times ahead

One of the most common questions people ask us is: what do you guys think will happen with all the craziness? Where is it all leading to, and what should we do? In this episode, we will share our views of what we see happening, not only from a 3D perspective but also from a bigger-picture perspective in the context of archetypes, the collective unconscious, and Divine Will beyond politics, conspiracies, psy-ops, and human (or alien) agendas, with some practical suggestions on navigating the coming months as everything intensifies even more.


Show Notes Part 1:

  • The assassination attempt on Donald Trump and various theories and conspiracies around it
  • Trump is the target of the projections from the left, conservatives, and the truther community alike
  • There is an opportunity to use this chaos for transformation, or you get swallowed up by it
  • The need for certainty as an unconscious fear response
  • The blind spot of the conspiracy mindset and getting trapped in the “second matrix”
  • Trump’s astrological natal chart and the transits around the assassination
  • Fascinating synastry chart between Trump and the alleged shooter
  • The collective unconscious is expressed through universal archetypes that direct and inform society, human thought, and behavior
  • Explanation and examples of archetypes
  • The dual nature of archetypes (higher and lower expression)
  • Trump is a symbol embodying various archetypes as a reflection of the collective psyche
  • The trap of identifying with an archetype
  • How to work with archetypes
  • The drama triangle of victim-persecutor-rescuer and how people get caught up in “good guy vs. bad guy”
  • The Woke Left and the truther community can easily get stuck in the drama triangle
  • There is no winning or change as long as one is caught up in the drama triangle, identified as the victim, persecutor, or rescuer
  • How to switch from disempowerment to empowerment and transcend the drama triangle
  • How the occult matrix forces want people to get stuck in the drama triangle
  • Facing The Deep State And Psy-Op Within Yourself
  • Shadow Work is not for the masses and not everyone is able to grasp it or engage in it (as Carl Jung said himself)
  • Practical suggestion on how to work with projections
  • You will only get the politicians and leaders the collective NEEDS for the evolution of consciousness, not the ones you think you want or reject
  • Suggestions to navigate the times ahead

In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

  • Potential scenarios as the elections get closer
  • Black swan event (no elections)
  • Election astrology with Trump’s chart and Kamala’s chart
  • In-depth analysis of Trump’s Pluto in the 12th house
  • The spiritual lesson for Trump as an expression of the collective (evolutionary astrology)
  • How Trump’s demeanor has changed since the assassination
  • We all are instruments of the Divine
  • The Mystery of Divine Grace
  • Neil Howe’s new book “The Fourth Turning is Here”
  • The old American republic is collapsing
  • The fourth turning and the Pluto Return of the USA
  • The fourth turning could be seen as what the collective psyche is unveiling (apocalypse) to us
  • Pluto in Aquarius themes (higher and lower expressions)
  • The danger of the rise of a real far-right fascist and fundamentalist Christian movement
  • The dark side of Twitter, Gap, and Telegram with right-wing Christians advocating for only white marriages and children and no inter-racial breeding
  • Harmeet Dhillon gave a Sikh Prayer at the RNC, which dogmatic Christians saw as a prayer to a “demon”
  • JD Vance’s wife is Indian, and right-wing racist Christians attack the couple for having “bi-racial” children
  • Bernhard’s story of disillusionment with the conspiracy and anarchist crowd and the lessons he learned
  • The Necessity For A Higher Spiritual Vision
  • Divine WiIl vs. personal will
  • The importance of aspiration to the Divine and working with Prayer
  • Outer and inner work has never been more important

Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to access the membership section (including the membership forum.)


Most often, we mistake “awakening” for a mental process of gathering information alone


12 Psycho-Spiritual Tools For Spiritual Warfare | TCM #133 (Part 1)




Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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