Empire falling

The Self-Aware Truther

And the 2nd Matrix

Es stehen große Veränderungen bevor.

Du kannst sie in der Welt und in deinem eigenen Leben sehen und spüren

Aus astrologischer Sicht hat die Sonnenfinsternis einen großen neuen Zyklus eingeleitet, und die kommende Jupiter-Uranus-Konjunktion wird ebenfalls einen neuen 14-Jahres-Zyklus einleiten. Außerdem stehen wir gerade am Anfang von Pluto im Wassermann für die nächsten 20 Jahre.

Zyklen in Zyklen in Zyklen in Zyklen, während die kosmischen Kräfte in dieser Zeit des Übergangs evolutionäre Veränderungen herbeiführen, die der Verstand nicht begreifen kann.

Ihre innere Ausrichtung und der innere Reinigungsprozess sind wichtiger denn je. Seien Sie achtsam; Pluto im Wassermann wird auch viele Menschen dazu verleiten, sich auf spirituelle Umgehungen einzulassen, bleiben Sie also durch die notwendige psycho-spirituelle Arbeit in Ihrem Körper geerdet.

Lassen Sie sich nicht zu sehr von dem ablenken, was Sie glauben, dass in der Welt geschieht, denn Ihr Verstand versucht, alles mit seinem begrenzten Affenverstand zu verstehen, der in oberflächlichem Schwarz-Weiß-Denken gefangen ist.

Vergiss niemals: Wie innen, so außen.

Je mehr du aus deiner Essenz, deinem wahren Seelenwesen, in Hingabe an das Göttliche lebst, desto mehr Führung und Schutz erfährst du und desto positiver wirkst du in der Welt, egal was du tust oder wo du bist.

In den letzten 4 Jahren haben Laura und ich 13 Runden unseres vertieften Gruppen-Coaching-Programms für psycho-spirituelle Selbstarbeit, “Zeit des Übergangs”, geleitet: Embodied Soul Awakening”.Wir haben gerade die Anmeldung für den 14. Durchgang abgeschlossen, der im Mai beginnt. Alle 14 Runden waren bereits vor Beginn ausgebucht.
Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass wir diese Arbeit machen können, und möchten allen danken, die sich angemeldet haben, und allen Abtrünnigen, die sich uns im Laufe der Jahre angeschlossen haben.

Da sich die Zeiten ändern, spüren wir auch den Ruf von Spirit, der uns dazu inspiriert, unsere Arbeit auszuweiten, während wir immer mehr lernen und studieren. Wir können sehen, wie effektiv die Arbeit ist und wie sehr sie gebraucht wird, doch es gibt noch viel mehr zu tun, und das Lernen hört nie auf.

Key Discussion Points:

– Spiritual and Psychological Journey: Bernhard shares his experiences with spirituality, psychology, and the profound impact of psychedelic experiences on his life journey.

– Shadow Work and Inner Healing: Dive into the importance of body, mind, and health as Bernhard explores the significance of conducting shadow work and inner healing to address suppressed emotions.

– Awakening and Questioning: Bernhard emphasizes the importance of awakenings and the critical role of questioning history and understanding information presented.

– The Second Matrix: Explore the concept of the second Matrix and how it operates, delving into experiences and initiations required to ascend to the next level.

– Bernhard Guenther has dedicated his life to exploring the mysteries of our planet, questioning reality, and unraveling hidden truths. Tune in to gain deeper insights into self-awareness, truth-seeking, and navigating the second Matrix.

About Bernhard Guenther: Bernhard Guenther is a seeker of truth, exploring spirituality, psychology, and hidden knowledge. Growing up in Munich, Germany, he moved to Los Angeles to study drums and percussion, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Through extensive study and practice in somatic healing modalities, including Integrative Bodywork and Yoga, Bernhard has delved into various spiritual esoteric traditions. His website, “Piercing the Veil of Reality,” offers a wealth of content ranging from spirituality to the occult and hyperdimensional realities. Together with his wife Laura Matsue, Bernhard co-hosts the Cosmic Matrix podcast, leads retreats, workshops, and online courses worldwide. Explore more at veilofreality.com

The Way Forward podcast is sponsored by: NEW BIOLOGY CLINIC: Experience individually tailored terrain-based health services with virtual consults, practitioner livestreams, movement classes, and more. The New Biology Clinic’s motivation is to make you healthy and keep you that way. Visit https://NewBiologyClinic.com and enter code TheWayForward for $50 off your activation fee. Members of The Way Forward get the full activation fee waived. Become a member of The Way Forward here: https://thewayfwrd.com/membership-sig… —————————

LIVING THE OFF-GRID DREAM: Turn your homesteading, retreat center, or off-grid dream into a reality with Living the Off-Grid Dream: https://thewayfwrd.com/offgrid. Members of The Way Forward receive a free consultation with Jaymie. Become a member of The Way Forward here: https://thewayfwrd.com/membership-sig…

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For more on The Way Forward, please visit: https://thewayfwrd.com



Eclipses – Endings, Beginnings

When Following Your Dream Can Turn Into A Nightmare
And You Lose Yourself In The Process

People always say, just follow your dream and manifest your desires and goals. I’m all for it; go for it!
But rarely do people ask where their desires come from, to begin with.

Here’s my observation based on having worked with thousands of people over the past 15 years:
The #1 reason for their suffering & unhappiness was that they pursued desires & goals that were not their own but based on social, cultural, and parental conditioning or trauma responses.

Many of your desires are conditioned, influenced, and programmed by:

  • Your upbringing and unconscious parental image
  • What media, society, and culture tell you success is all about, and what you “need to have” or “be” to be “happy”
  • Your friends, peers, people on social media, or anyone you compare yourself with
  • Mechanical biological drives (survival impulse, sexual impulse, and superficial sexual desire/attention-seeking.

Many of your desires, feelings, attachments, and behaviors can also be expressions of unconscious trauma responses from childhood wounding, lack of self-worth, and unconscious shame, resulting in trying to fill an empty hole within yourself via external means.

Don’t Believe The Hype And Appearances!

Not all, but many entrepreneurs, influencers, and celebrities whom people [maybe even you] look up to as role models [or you are envious of and shadow-project on] are, in fact, deeply wounded individuals who use their work, achievements, and success to cover up deep-rooted insecurities based on toxic shame and have created a false persona.

It is a trauma response. They are driven by this internalized toxic shame to become “super-achievers.”

They need to identify with external success, attention, possessions, and the image they have built around it in order to avoid feeling the pain of [unconscious] shame, which would shatter the false persona to the core.

But internalized toxic shame can also show itself in the “under-achiever,” the “loser,” the person wallowing in misery, addiction, poverty, self-pity, and victim/blame, projecting their suppressed shadow, envy, and unhappiness on anyone who is successful or wealthy.

Super-achievers and Under-achievers driven by trauma are two sides of the same “internalized shame” coin.

They define each other and project on each other. Both are driven by the false personality covering up internalized shame.

The Way Out To True Fulfillment

The way out is to find your deeper purpose coming from your true Self [and not trying to perfect the false self] as a vessel for Divine Will that expresses itself uniquely through you based on your inherent talents.

The moment you copy/imitate others, just mechanically follow trends, or compare yourself to others, you not only lose yourself but the “matrix has you.”

Be honest with yourself, for the wounded ego will shut down your conscience and tempt you to act out of integrity [hence the rise of plagiarism on social media]

There is something ONLY YOU can provide. The Great Work of connecting to Essence [your true Self] is the gateway.

It’s the process of Individuation [not to be mistaken for self-actualization]

Individuation is a major theme for the next 20 years as Pluto has entered Aquarius.

It’s not always a pleasant process [and not everyone is ready for it], for it will ask you to come out of hiding and burn away anything that is not in alignment with who you truly are.

Bernhard Guenther

Learn More Here:

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be

How To Heal Toxic Shame And Not Feeling “Good Enough”

Your Psychological And Spiritual Survival Guide For 2024


Most recent Testimonial of a student:

“Many different synchronicities happened at a turning point in my life that led me to Bernhard and Laura’s work.

After years of meandering and on-and-off dabbling in spirituality and esoteric studies, looking for answers to suffering, it became alarmingly obvious that without a grounded foundation in the subjects covered in this course, you are setting yourself up for a long and difficult path of pitfalls and false light experiences.

I had reached a point where I could feel that focusing on anything else other than what I’ve learned to be the great work felt pointless and that a major re-orientation and new understanding of myself, other people, and life was needed.

However, I couldn’t articulate this at the time. If you feel this same way, I cannot recommend this course enough. My expectations for this course were surpassed very quickly. I can confidently say that every question that I had when the course began was answered and explained by the end.

So much confusion and half understandings were cleared for me by Laura and Bernhard. They do such an amazing job of teaching how and why all of these different modalities and concepts are connected.

The vast range of information is so well organized and explained with all of the concepts, practices, and resources that you need to begin this kind of work with a clear and aware perspective. Grounded and practical.

This is invaluable in a time when there is an overwhelming cyclone of information rooted in escapism and wishful thinking. This course is beyond worth it. The group aspect of the course is an honor to be a part of. Hearing everyone’s different experiences and insights has helped immensely.

Knowing that you’re not alone in any of this and that others are trying to lift themselves out of this matrix restored so much hope and inspiration for me. Bernhard, Laura, and their assistant, Michaela, are always there for you on the calls and in the group.

These are amazing people. You never feel as if they’re just there going through the motions. They are never condescending and always show respect no matter where you’re at with your level of knowledge and awareness about any of this.

From this experience, I now feel a real and renewed sense of purpose and direction. I feel that I understand myself, others, my relationship to others and what’s going on in the world right now on such a deeper and more expanded level.

I can’t thank Bernhard and Laura enough for this, along with Michaela and all of the students in this group. I have learned so much from everyone. This has been life-changing, and I am excited to move forward towards whatever comes next. All of my gratitude.”

– Aaron W.




Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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