Piercing the Veil of Reality

Undreaming Wetiko

Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus

Audio Podcast

Paul Levy returns to the Cosmic Matrix podcast to talk about his newest book “Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus” of his Wetiko trilogy. Bernhard and Laura talk with Paul about the core aspects of Wetiko, how humanity has fallen under a spell, the battle for our soul, the misconceptions about Wetiko, how Wetiko tags into childhood wounding, trauma, and our shadow, what we can do to heal ourselves, and much more.

Show Notes Part 1:

    • Wetiko, the mind-virus (a quantum phenomenon), works through the unconscious and our blindspots
    • Humanity has fallen under a spell, caught in a collective madness
    • The misperceptions and distortions about Wetiko
    • The trap of externalizing all evil and not recognizing how Wetiko operates within oneself
    • Wetiko and unhealed multi-generational ancestral trauma
    • Wetiko installs a “control system” within ourselves that makes us shut down our own voice, i.e., we censor/cancel ourselves
    • The abused becomes the abuser
    • Not everyone is strong enough to face archetypal shadow/evil
    • The necessity to face your personal shadow before attempting to face collective evil
    • The trap of denying/ignoring evil or only externalizing it (projecting the shadow)
    • The process of initiation to understand Wetiko
    • Healing and divine timing
    • The paradox of wetiko and how evil catalyzes our evolution
    • How people easily become what they fight against
    • How wetiko can destroy relationships (romantic, friends, family)
    • The challenge of withdrawing our projections
    • The avoidance of relationships keeps us entrapped
    • Wetiko makes us identify with the false self
    • How to recognize Wetiko



In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

  • The Trap of intellectualizing wetiko and shadow work
  • Wilhelm Reich’s Murder of Christ
  • How we murder our own light
  • If we don’t express our creative spirit (Daemon), it becomes a demon (Wetiko)
  • The true meaning of the second coming of Christ
  • The battle for our angel
  • Wetiko is the counterfeiting spirit disconnecting us from our creativity
  • Shadow work opens up our creative potential
  • A.I./Transhumanism and the Battle for our Soul
  • The importance of opening our hearts and authentic compassion
  • How activism can easily get hijacked by Wetiko
  • How Wetiko sets up a shadow government/deep state within our own psyche
  • Paul’s experience with the Woke cult
  • The Trap of Identification and Wetiko
  • How wetiko works through the Woke Left and Conservative Dogmatic Christian Right
  • Paul’s experience of working with a client who turned into a Christian fundamentalist (taken over by Wetiko)
  • The short attention span epidemic and diminishing IQ
  • How Paul was taken over by the demonic entity that his father was possessed by
  • The family system and Wetiko
  • The deepest protection from Wetiko is to connect to our true Self/Nature – but what does that mean?

Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)

Book available 416 pages
Inner Traditions, May 23, 2023


Healing Web Map PDF


Wetiko, And How Ancestral Trauma
& The Unlived Lives Of Parents Affect Us
(And Your Children)

What many of us don’t see in ourselves is how the unconscious UN-PROCESSED trauma and UNLIVED LIFE (suppression) of our parents affect us, and not just what happened to us in childhood.

It is not only the apparent neglect, wounding, trauma, etc., many children or we may have experienced in childhood (especially in the first 3 to 7 years) that set up our whole adult life and resulting attachment styles and personality disorders (masks – trauma response) to varying degrees (many of the personality disorders (such as Narcissism) have become normalized in our pathological society.)

We are also UNCONSCIOUSLY affected by everything our parents avoided, suppressed (shadow), and were wounded/traumatized in their own lives and as children but never worked on it or were aware of it.

Obviously, you cannot blame your parents because a lot of the psycho-spiritual somatic work didn’t even exist back then (depending on how old your parents are) when spanking and letting babies “cry it out” were considered “therapy,” which just resulted in more trauma. Your parents were also affected by their parents, which goes down the ancestral line.

I painfully came to that realization in my own process throughout the years. Most of what I’ve been dealing with in my life was not just the obvious childhood wounds but the suppressed shadow and trauma of my parents going back generations down the ancestral line.

That’s why it is silly to think that there is anyone without trauma; it just varies and is deeply suppressed in most people, along with the shadow. Most people stuff it all down (like their parents did) and then compensate by creating a strong external fake persona that can be “charming,” “confident,” and even “successful” in the consensus world, but the achievement and desires are driven by unconscious internalized shame to avoid feeling this empty hole within, disconnected from Essence and the Divine within.

That’s also why as a parent, the BEST thing you can do for your children is to do the inner work so your children are not burdened with what you avoid facing within yourself. It also implies living a life you fully align with and being authentic, which means following your deeper calling and not suppressing it.

It implies facing all the self-defeating core beliefs you may have taken on unconsciously from your parents about men, women, relationships, money, abundance, creative expression, etc., so you don’t stuff it into the shadow of your unconscious only for your children to have to deal with it.

Obviously, no parent is perfect, so don’t be too hard on yourself either. What we need are not “perfect” parents (they don’t exist) but “good enough” parents, as Carl Jung said, and it simply starts with self-awareness, step by step (sometimes a step back), every day. And remember, all there is are lessons. Karma comes into play as well beyond the mind to grasp.

Paul Levy addressed this topic from the viewpoint of Wetiko in his newest book “Undreaming Wetiko”:

“Unresolved trauma passed down through the generations is cumulative—to the extent it is not consciously dealt with in one generation, it becomes more severe each time it is passed on to a subsequent generation.
Every one of us, whether we know it or not, has become who we are, at least in part, as a result of our parents’ unconscious, unprocessed trauma.

It is not just our bodies that are the offspring of our parents and our ancestry; our psyches are the offspring of our ancestral unconscious as well.

The portal out of which our personality crystallizes into who we are is informed by the unresolved karma and the unmetabolized trauma of our ancestors.

Our parents, who Jung suggests we should view as “children of the grandparents,” have been formed by their parents in a lineage that goes back through countless generations.
The repressed and unlived lives of the parents act like a contagious and malignant psychic virus that infects the surrounding field.
Whatever is repressed by the parents is nonetheless alive, covertly working in the surrounding environment, influencing the unconscious of the children.
The parents often remain blissfully unaware of how their repression affects other family members, who have to deal with the burden of their repressed contents.
This psychological virus is like a nonlocalized bug in the system that creates a disease and disturbance in the coherence of the family.
This virulent psychic pathogen germinates in and replicates itself through the unconscious of the children, which is the medium it uses to reproduce itself over time through the generations.
Parents’ self-reflection not only helps to heal both parents and children, it nonlocally sends ripples back through time, initiating a process of healing the entire ancestral lineage.”



Individuation, Transpersonal Self-Work, And The Great Work
are NOT Self-Help, Self-Improvement, or Self-Actualization Programs

Everyone is wounded/traumatized to varying degrees. It comes with growing up
in a world of ignorance where we are disconnected from Spirit and Nature, and
pathology has become normalized. In this world, the false personality is
worshipped at the expense of losing our Essence.

Anytime we look outside of ourselves for happiness and fulfillment, it points
to a wound/hole within us where we have lost an aspect of our Essence and
connection to the Divine.

Most people try to fill these holes unconsciously by looking externally for
what they feel is missing and even dissociate from their suffering and
emotional body via avoidance, distraction, addictions, mindless media
consumption, and live cut off from the wisdom of their bodies in a
head-centric existence.

In fact, most people suffer without even knowing that they are suffering
because their mind/body connection has split, resulting in dissociation. This
boy/mind split and disconnection from essence will increase in the age of A.I.
/Transhumanism and create more entry points for occult forces to come in.

One of the most challenging things for people is to face the suffering held
within the body, which is armored under many unconscious defense mechanisms.
Real shadow work is confronting your fears and wounds (most of them are
unconscious) and addressing stored trauma in the body — which is far from a
walk in the park.

You can read books and quotes about it and may understand it intellectually,
but the work itself is painful, scary, messy, and requires immense courage,
but not the courage of being outwardly “tough.” As Joseph Campbell said: “The
cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

It’s the courage not to resist discomfort, not to escape into the head or back
into your comfort zone, but to be vulnerable and feel it all in the body – for
the healing only happens through the body, beyond any intellectual analysis or
“story-telling,” beyond any blame or victim mentality, even beyond any
premature intellective “forgiveness.”

That’s where the rubber hits the road when it comes to transpersonal
self-work, and the internal alchemical fire for transmutation gets ignited
through the friction of discomfort and “conscious suffering,” as Gurdjieff and
many other teachers talked about, without resisting it, escaping it, nor
projecting it outwardly by blaming others or your situation.

This process of Individuation is not a generic self-improvement or self-help
program that aims to strengthen the false personality and build a better
“mask” to help you reach external goals and fulfill desires which mainly stem
from the socially conditioned wounded ego-personality but will never result in
lasting happiness, fulfillment or love. It’s not about making your “happiness”
depend on external factors.

As Bud Harris wrote in ‘Becoming Whole’:

“It is much more than firming up, losing weight, having more positive
thoughts, or solving problems and getting on with your life. Individuation
is not self-actualization. The mythologist Joseph Campbell noted that
self-actualization is for people with nothing better to do—people who
don’t know their personal myth or deeper purpose in life.

The humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for
security, prestige[power], self-development, and even personal
relationships, are not the primary values a person inspired by their
deeper Self, or the thread of their individuation, lives for.”

This more profound inner process requires incredible self-ownership and
responsibility for everything you feel. The only way out is through, and there
IS light at the end of the tunnel as you realize on a deep embodied level (not
just intellectually) that any fear you have had was just an illusion and
didn’t reflect your true self (essence), or that you have taken on stuff that
is not yours to carry; that you always did the best you could at any time of
your life based on where you were at. That unconditional acceptance of what
“is” opens the space for healing on much deeper levels.

For example, you may have intellectually realized what your “issues” are, but
as long as it’s not embodied and released somatically through your body and
felt deeply within you, all you create is a mask, armor, and buffers to avoid
facing yourself, while believing you have already worked through your “stuff.”
As Gurdjieff said, “You have to pay with yourself.” No one else can “pay” or
do the work for you.

This discomfort is medicine and can be used as profound teaching if we don’t
resist it. Not only that but feeling the discomfort in the body is the only
place where true healing happens.

This process also requires faith and trust and, most of all – letting go. It’s
a big lesson in gratitude and humbleness – to be utterly unconditionally
grateful for every moment, to see the beauty in simple things, to see how
nature teaches us every moment how to “be” if we can tune into the frequencies
and energies which are hidden from us long as we live from the head, or are
armored up.

The moment we resist the presence, which is all there is, and get into our
heads (the tyrant within), we lose the connection to our essence and the
Divine, the source that loves us unconditionally and nurtures, guides, and
assists us in our individual healing process and this earthly experience
during this Time of Transition.

Doing this work is the most important thing/practice in this day and age. We
can complain about the world’s “issues” on social media until eternity (which
sometimes starts to sound like a “never-ending flushing toilet”), but nothing
changes if we don’t go where actual change happens and where it can get really
uncomfortable: within and into the body, while also surrendering to what is
happening on a bigger picture level in light of the evolution of consciousness
beyond our personal processes and 3D Matrix distractions, political and

It’s easy to get caught up in our own “shit” (when self/shadow-work becomes a
narcissistic self-indulgent/self-pity process) or the world’s miseries if we
forget what it is all about and what we are here to do as embodied sovereign
individuals and frequency anchors, which is really about “Being.”

That process has profound effects on the outside world (which is not really
“outside” or separated from “you”) with regards to reality creation based on
your internal healing process as you are clearing your vessel for the Divine
force to anchor itself, reconnecting you to who you truly are and your divine

Know that you are loved and assisted at all times and that no one can take
away who and what you indeed are. However, to know this experience yourself in
your own being requires sincerity and integrity in your own process to
reconnect with your essence; this means not expecting anyone else to do the
work for you, to be “saved,” nor expecting the world outside of you to change
“for you.”

As long as we are not sincere with ourselves and our own process to honestly
“know thyself” beyond the personality mask, we are disconnected from essence,
which is the only true source of fulfillment, love, and wisdom that will
result in “right action”. This source is an infinite untapped resource that is
within us, waiting to be uncovered and remembered through our own sincere

If you want to learn more about the process of Individuation, listen to our

Bernhard Guenther



Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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