TIME OF TRANSITION See also a Video with Sacha Stone in the bottom TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE RESET Laura and Bernhard...
Bernhard Guenther
TIME OF TRANSITION More and more people are “waking up” during this Time of Transition, and many of us want...
Wait… What is the soul? We live in the materialistic age where most people identify with their bodies, beliefs, and...
Spiritual Growth Many of us have been through or are going through a dark night of the soul right now;...
Laura and Bernhard discuss the big topic of Spiritual bypassing, which many people engage in, how to become aware of...
Wir befinden uns in einem massiven globalen psychologischen und spirituellen Krieg Es ist ein Krieg um Ihren Verstand, Ihr Bewusstsein...
In the first episode of 2024, Laura and Bernhard give an overview of what to expect in this new year...
The Ongoing Work During This Time Of Transition Over the past four years, Laura and I have offered our “Time...
Seeking freedom and sovereignty only externally is futile as long as we have not learned to self-govern and self-rule And...
Unconscious core beliefs affect all of us depending on our upbringing, culture, generation, and ancestral line. In this episode, Laura...
Myths About Spirituality Bernhard and Laura debunk and discuss 10 popular myths about spirituality, inner work, and the awakening process....
Laura and Bernhard discuss intergenerational trauma, how we unconsciously inherit trauma and the shadow from our parents and family line,...
Bernhard & Laura discuss how internalized unconscious toxic shame relates to the “not good enough” program that drives many of...
Bernhard and Laura discuss the recent rise of the so-called “black-pilled” aspect of the “truther community” – people are overly...
Paul Levy returns to the Cosmic Matrix podcast to talk about his newest book “Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of...
Laura and Bernhard discuss the process of Individuation which many people are called to engage in. They talk about the...
Bernhard & Laura talk about the big topic of past lives and karma, the misconceptions about it, the difference between...
The Hero’s Journey is based on archetypes that are recurring patterns of human behavior, symbolized by characters in esoteric metaphors,...
In this episode, Laura and Bernhard share their experiences and the benefits of somatic work as healing practices that are...
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen ChatGPT and other AI will most likely take over very soon. It will be a world of...