SXSW ECO 2013 Startup Showcase

SXSW-ECO 2013Winners + Finalists > The Startup Central Advisory Board, made up of expert investors from across the United States and Europe, helped us narrow down the close to 200 applications that came in from around the world to the 24 Finalists that would compete at the conference. Each company offers an innovative solution to today’s challenges in the areas of Cleanweb, Greentech and Social Impact.

On October 8, these 24 companies took the stage, each giving their best 3-minute pitch and participating in a grueling Q&A session with the Judges, each experts in their respective category.

Learn more about the Winners and Finalists and watch their pitch videos by clicking on the category name below:

Social Impact




Customer acquisition platform for energy solutions.

Revolutionizing clean energy customer acquisition with the use of machine learning technology and marketing instrumentation.

Watch their pitch >>

WaterSmart Software

Customer Engagement & Big Data Analytics for Water Utilities.

WaterSmart Software is the only behavior change platform proven to reduce residential water demand by up to 5% and increase customer engagement 3X.





Ridesharing for taxis and car services. Hop On!

Every day millions of people travel in the same direction in separate rides. Bandwagon is making use of city networks to solve this problem.

Watch their pitch >>

Fluitec Wind

Using Wind Turbine Data to Slash Operating Costs.

Fluitec Wind is a clean technology company focused on decreasing the cost of wind energy by leveraging machine-to-machine networks.

Watch their pitch >>

Growing Energy Labs (GELI)

Enabling software for Energy Storage deployments.

GELI, sells software to integrate, network, & economically operate energy storage systems. GELI software possesses 3 components: EOS, APPS, & Drivers.


Used Cardboard Boxes

Save Time, Save Money, Save Trees!(TM)

UCB is a national logistics firm that buys quality used boxes from large manufacturers and re-sells them as eco-friendly alternatives to new boxes.

Watch their pitch >>



Blue River Technology

Advanced Technology for Better Agriculture.

Blue River Technology is disrupting chemical intensive agriculture with proprietary robotics that identify and mechanically eliminate weeds.

Watch their pitch >>

New Sky Energy

Smart chemistry for a cooler planet.

New Sky Energy profitably converts industrial wastewater and CO2 into useful chemicals. Our clients include some of the world’s largest companies.

Watch their pitch >>




1 Energy System

Software making energy storage simple.

1Energy Systems provides software based on industry’s first open standards for grid-connected energy storage systems and other electric energy assets.

Watch their pitch >>

AdBm Technologies

Effective & eco-friendly underwater noise control

AdBm is a UT Austin startup selling underwater noise control products & has a 2-year industry contract to research new applications of the technology.

Watch their pitch >>

California Safe Soil

California Safe Soil – sustainable fertilizer.

Breakthrough technology to recycle organics into fertilizer, faster, safer, better, and more sustainably than any alternative.

Watch their pitch >>


Shop energy-smart

Enervee® is the world’s first energy-smart scoring platform making it easy for consumers and businesses to save with the most efficient products.

Watch their pitch >>

Green Wizard

Building Product Management Workflow.

GreenWizard takes a data-oriented approach to building products, enabling the research, modeling, and documentation of green building products.

Watch their pitch >>

Microbiotecnologia Aplicada Dos Rios (MBTA2R)

Building the change we want to do in our world.

MBTA2R is a Mexican company concerned about global warming by offering products to reduce greenhouse gases, using CO2 and methane as the main input.

Watch their pitch >>


Creating a smart and sustainable water grid!

Rentricity Inc. is a renewable energy company based in New York City. It designs and installs unique energy recovery systems for water infrastructure.

Watch their pitch >>

SecureWaters Inc.

The Voice of Water.

SecureWaters has developed a bio-sensor that scans green algae to instantly test for the presence of chemical pollutants in water.

Watch their pitch >>


Dimmable window systems at the touch of a button.

SmarterShade has developed a film-based shading system that allows users to make any window go from clear through shades of grey to dark.

Watch their pitch >>

Sylvatex Inc.

Future of Diesel Fuel: Cleaner, Greener & Cheaper.

Sylvatex uses the current infrastructure to blend renewable components into diesel fuel to reduce cost while creating a cleaner, greener diesel fuel.

Watch their pitch >>


California Lithium Battery

Transforming the Way Power is Stored ©.

CalBattery is commercializing a game changer Li-ion battery silicon-graphene anode material that increases capacity over 300%.


Green Dot Transportation

Park-and-Walk Charger for Electric Vehicles.

The World’s First 100% Efficient, 100% safe Park-and-Walk Charger for Electric Vehicles.


Ventana Cleantech Inc.

Waste plastics to petroleum fuels.

Ventana’s technology converts ‘non recyclable’ waste plastics to petroleum fuels which are drop-in replacement for diesel and gasoline blendstocks.

Social Impact


Sseko Designs

Every Sseko has a story.

Sseko is an ethical fashion brand that enables high potential women in Uganda to earn money that will go directly towards their college educations.

Watch their pitch >>





Business Beyond Cash.

Beyonic is a mobile payment aggregator making it easy for businesses to use mobile payment networks to eliminate the use of cash in emerging markets.

Watch their pitch >>


Empowerment through Access.

Librii is a network of digitally enhanced, community-based, revenue-generating libraries on the frontiers of broadband connectivity.

Watch their pitch >>


Portapure creates affordable water treatment products.

We tackle a lack of access to clean water in developing countries. Our PureLives product is an affordable in-home water treatment system in a backpack.

Watch their pitch >>

Team Rubicon

Veteran-led disaster response.

Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.

Watch their pitch >>

VOZ Apparel

Change Through Beauty.

VOZ is an eco fashion brand that leverages collaborative design innovation to empower marginalized artisans creatively, culturally, and economically.

Watch their pitch >>



Emergence BioEnergy Inc.

Reliable Power. Anywhere.

Emergence BioEnergy has developed a waste-to-energy solution based on Stirling technology to revolutionize power generation in low-income countries.


SE Rising

The most convenient way to better your business and your world at the same time.

SE Rising is an online marketplace for sourcing socially responsible products and services, from fair-trade coffee to wind-powered web hosting.



SunFunder: Invest in Solar Empowerment

We’re a lending platform connecting investors to high-impact solar projects that improve the lives of low-income communities in developing countries.



Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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