
Whats mine is yours

whatsmineisyoursCollaborative Consumption describes the rapid explosion in traditional sharing, bartering, lending, trading, renting, gifting, and swapping reinvented through network technologies on a scale and in ways never possible before. We have collected over a thousand examples of Collaborative Consumption from all corners of the world. Below is just a handful of the hottest ideas from around the globe.




Product Service Systems

Pay for the benefit of using a product without needing to own the product outright. Disrupting traditional industries based on models of individual private ownership.

Car sharing
Zipcar, Streetcar, GoGet, WhizzCar, Autoshare, Stattauto, Autolibre, Denzeldrive, Cambiocar, Zazcar

Car sharing (from big automobile brands)
BMW DriveNow, Volkswagen Quicar, Peugeot Mu, Daimler Car2Go

Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing
Whipcar, RelayRides, Drivemycar Rentals, Getaround, Tamyca, Buzzcar, Nachbarschaftsauto

Bike sharing
Velib, Bixi, Barclays Cycle Hire, B-Cycle, Ecobici, Call-A-Bike, CyclOcity, Niceride, HZ Bike, Social Bicycles

Ride sharing
Zimride, Nuride, Liftshare, Jayride, goCarShare, GoLoco, Carpooling, Caronetas, DuckSeat, RewardRide, Avego, Zebigo, Tickengo

Solar Power
Solar City, Solar Century, PretaSol, One Block Off The Grid, CitizenRe

Toy Rental
Dim Dom, BabyPlays, Rent-a-toy, ToyLib, Speelotheken, Brinquedoteca, Smarty Rents, Toygaroo

Textbook Rental
Chegg, CampusBookRentals, Zookal, BookRenter

Art Rental
Art.sy, Artsicle, TurningArt

Fashion Rental
Bag Borrow & Steal, Fashionhire, From Bags To Riches, i-Ella, Dress Vault, Love Me and Leave Me, Renttherunway

Netflix, Quickflix, LoveFilm

General Online Rental
Rentcycle, AnyHire

Peer Rental
Zilok, Rentoid, Ecomodo, HireThings, Thingloop, Rentalic, RentStuff, Bid & Borrow

Neighborhood Rental
Sharesomesugar, Neighborrow, Neighborgoods, The Sharehood, Frents, Friends With Things, Hey Neighbor!


Redistribution Markets

Redistribute used or pre-owned goods from where they are not needed to somewhere or someone where they are.

Big marketplaces
craigslist, eBay, Flippid, Gumtree

Free/Gift Exchanges
Freecycle, GiftFlow, Givmo, Ziilch, Exchango, Freally, Yoogot, ThingLoop

Used Electronics
Gazelle, eBay Instant Sale, Apple Recycling Program

Swap sites for books
BookHopper, Thebookswap, Paperbackswap, Bookmooch, eBook Fling

Swap sites for baby goods and toys
Toyswap, thredUp, Swapitbaby, Swapkidsclothes, MumSwap, Tauschteddy

Clothing swaps
Swapstyle, Clothing Exchange, 99 Dresses, Big Wardrobe, i-Ella, Mano Drabuziai

Swap sites for media (Dvd’s, books, games)
Swap, SwapSimple, Dig N’Swap, Netcycler, GaBoom

Neighborhood Marketplaces
Egg Cartel, Zaarly, Garage Sale Trail, Hey, Neighbor!


Collaborative Lifestyles

It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

Coworking Spaces
Citizen Space, Hub Culture, The Hub, Vibewire Enterprise Hub, TechHub, NewWorkCity, StudioMates, Bees Office, CoLoft, La Ruche

Coworking Space Finders
Loosecubes, DesksNearMe, DeskWanted, CoLoco, OpenDesks, DeskSurfing

Social Lending
Zopa, Prosper, The Lending Club, Boober, Maneo, Qifang

Social currencies
Ven, Quid, TimeBanks, LETSystems, SPICE Timebank

Peer-to-Peer Travel
CouchSurfing, Airbnb, Roomorama, Crashpadder, One Fine Stay, Bed And Fed, 9flats, iStopover

Taxi Sharing
Taxi2, TaxiDeck, TaxiStop, FellowCab, Weeels

Barterquest, OurGoods, ITEX, Bartercard, Tourboarding

IndieGoGo, Kickstarter, StartSomeGood, Pozible, Crowdcube, Movere.me, Catarse, Profounder

UrbanGardenShare, Landshare, SharedEarth, YardShare

Skill sharing
Brooklyn Skill Share, TeachStreet, TradeSchool, Skillshare, Skilio, WeTeachMe

Shared Studios/Workshops
3rd Space Studios, TechShop

Parking spots
ParkAtMyHouse, ParkCirca, Park On My Drive

Neighborhood Support
WeCommune, Share Some Sugar, Bright Neighbor, Hey Neighbor!, Streetbank, OhSoWe, ToolzDo

Errand & Task Networks
TaskRabbit, Zaarly, YourJobDone, AirRun, MyTaskAngel, Gigwalk

Unique Experience Marketplaces
Vayable, Gidsy, Sidetour

Social Food Networks
Gobble, Grub.ly, GrubWithUs, EatWithMe, Wok ‘n’ Wine, HouseFed

Storage Networks
StorPod, ShareMyStorage, SpaceOut




Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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