The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared
From the depths of the scamdemic to the craziness of the trade wars, we’ve seen the economic destruction and disruption of our daily lives that can be caused by authoritarians who presume to rule over the world. But the society they are crafting is not the society we have to live in. Join James for this edition of #SolutionsWatch where he explores the concept of parallel societies and the steps that can be taken to create the building blocks for such societies to come about.
The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared
Parallel Societies vs Totalitarianism – How to Create a Free World
US town governed by a wizard where everyone is ‘100% certifiably insane’
Slab City Exposed: Homeless Growth and the Dark Side of America’s Last Free Place in California
Inside Slab City, The Lawless city in the Desert | Last Free Place In America
Episode 394 – Solutions: Survival Currency
Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch
Interview 1593 – Introducing Agorist.Market with Mike Swatek
Black Market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch
With 80+ Speakers, Join Us in Bringing Food to the Forefront of Big Conversations at SXSW
Solution Series MP3, MP4 downloads
We came to embody the solution
The percentage of the deactivated human DNA is related to the impeded manifestation of Human consciousness and is showing up at every level of Human existence.
Beyond the deceit of our fraudulent history, the existence of this mass of genetic resource is the evident indication of our transcendental identity. The reactivation of this genetic covenant is intrinsic to Humanity’s ability to transcend this fear-based paradigm and restore its resonance with light.
If you strip down the sensation of panic you are going through you will find that this state of fear is being stimulated by your separation from the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of your divine immortal nature.
As you register all around you people are being manipulated by erroneous beliefs, imagine this psychological entrainment happening on a massive scale, at a deeper core level, one that has from time out of memory convinced you of your MORTAL weakness.
Eroded your power and sovereignty.
As you face this global DARKNESS what is it you need? LIGHT.
How do you access that LIGHT ?
You reestablish your ability to receive, decipher, utilise and transmit the Source Code that IS light.
A CODE that spells out the definition of LIFE as a CONSTANT without the constrictions of duality…without beginning or end. YOU are the Light