Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
ChatGPT and other AI will most likely take over very soon. It will be a world of fakes. Speak up now.
This is important.

The Cosmic Matrix Podcast
Bernhard and Laura talk about how technology has taken over many aspects of our lives in the dawning age of A.I. and Transhumanism Trap as Pluto moves into Aquarius.
Show Notes Part 1:
- Technology has taken over many aspects of our lives
- Pro vs. Anti Technology (it’s not black and white)
- The Lensa AI App
- The AI take-over is accelerating exponentially
- The new AI TikTok filter
- Body Dysmorphia and artificial beauty
- What is the Transhumanism agenda?
- Soul fragmentation, trauma, and disassociation (matrix installment program)
- What is true beauty?
- Pluto in Aquarius is a huge collective theme
- Aquarius themes and their Shadow Sides affecting us
- Alienation, Loneliness, and Individuation
- Leo polarity point: The importance of getting back into the heart and our creativity
- The shadow side of the Leo archetype (Aquarius – Leo axis)
- The erosion of human creativity and relationship
- The majority of people can’t handle AI technology responsibly and with a conscience
- A big opportunity for Individuation
- Rising extremism and splitting in relationships (men & women)
- What is the way out of the AI Transhumanism Occult trap?
Bernhard and Laura discuss the various occult traps in light of the Transhumanism agenda, soul harvesting, body snatching, how it rates to trauma and soul fragmentation, the end-game from a hyper-dimensional perspective, the importance to connect to your creative spirit (Daimon) and the Divine, what is needed to defeat the technocratic take-over and much more.