Ein aktueller Report demaskiert die amerikanische Gesellschaft für Ernährung (ASN), die führende US-Autorität der Ernährungs-Wissenschaftler und Forscher für ihre engen Beziehungen mit Unternehmen wie PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Nestle, McDonalds, Monsanto, Mars und sogar die Zucker Association. Solche Interessenkonflikte sind ähnlichen Vorwürfen ausgesetzt wie in einem anderen Bericht über die Akademie der Ernährung und Diätetik. Grosse Junk-Food-Unternehmen erwerben “fruchtbare Partnerschaften” von der amerikanischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, und bekommen Zugang zu führenden Ernährungsforschern der Nation zu ihrem jährlichen Treffen, und in ihren politischen Positionen.
Diese Verhältnisse sind in Europa und Deutschland aufgrund der globalen Strukturen und Verflechtungen dieser Unternehmen identisch nachvollziehbar. ASN “Sustaining Roundtable Committee Mitglieder” umfasst PepsiCo Chef Scientific Officer und der Chief Science Officer bei National Dairy Council. Der Bericht schließt mit einer Erklärung von Food-Politics Autor und langjährigem ASN-Mitglied Marion Nestle:
“Ich denke, es ist wichtig, dass Fachgesellschaften wie ASN die Ernährungswissenschaft neutral fördern und die höchstmöglichen Standards der wissenschaftlichen Integrität einhalten. Forschung und Bildung über Lebensmittel und Ernährungsweise werden zu leicht durch die Finanzierung von Lebensmittelunternehmen beeinflusst, aber dieser Einfluss wird häufig unterschätzt. Dies bedeutet, dass besondere Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen gegen den Einfluss der Lebensmittelindustrie, und Organisationen wie ASN sollten eigentlich die Führung dabei übernehmen.”
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Weitere Ergebnisse des Reports:
- Of the 34 scientific sessions at ASN’s annual meeting, 6 were supported by PepsiCo
- Other session sponsors included the Egg Nutrition Center, Kellogg, DuPont Nutrition and Health, Ajinomoto, and the National Dairy Council
- The International Life Sciences Institute (a front group for Big Food and Big Pharma) sponsored a session on low-calorie sweeteners; speakers included a scientific consultant for Ajinomoto, which produces aspartame
- The Grocery Manufacturers Association, a lobbying group for the food and beverage industries, sponsored a symposium on sodium intake, noting “putative health concerns”
- A session on “Sweeteners and Health” was sponsored by the Rippe Health Institute without disclosing that founder James Rippe is a consultant to the Corn Refiners Association, which represents makers of high fructose corn syrup
- For $35,000, junk food companies can sponsor the hospitality suite at the annual meeting, where corporate executives socialize with nutrition researchers
- Obesity researcher David Allison serves on the editorial board of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, ASN’s flagship publication; he has been a consultant to The Sugar Association, World Sugar Research Organization, PepsiCo, Red Bull, Kellogg, Mars, and Dr. Pepper Snapple
- Official spokespeople for ASN have conflicts with Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, the American Beverage Association, General Mills, and Cadbury Schweppes
- ASN published an 18- page defense of processed food that consists of numerous talking points for the junk food industry, such as “There are no differences between the processing of foods at home or at a factory”
- ASN opposes an FDA proposed policy to include added sugars on the Nutrition Facts panel, at a time when excessive sugar consumption is causing a national public health epidemic.
Michele Simon, JD, MPH
Michele Simon is a public health lawyer specializing in legal strategies to counter corporate tactics that harm the public’s health. Simon has been researching and writing about the food industry and food politics since 1996. Also an expert in alcohol policy, for 4.5 years she served as research and policy director for Marin Institute (now Alcohol Justice), an alcohol industry watchdog group based in Northern California. Her groundbreaking 2007 report on alcoholic energy drinks led to federal action to ban the dangerous products.
Her first book, Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back, was published by Nation Books in 2006. New York University Professor Marion Nestle (who calls the book “brilliant”) has made it required reading for her nutrition students. An accomplished and engaging speaker, Simon lectures internationally on corporate tactics and policy solutions. She has a master’s degree in public health from Yale University and received her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.