Social Design. INDEX: The Design to Improve Life® ist eine dänische NPO mit globaler Reichweite. Sie untersucht und engagiert sich in der Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen für globale Herausforderungen. Design:Index ermutigen Designer ihre Talente einzusetzen, zur Verbesserung für das Leben der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Bei den Bemühungen, dies zu tun, kommunizieren sie mit den Medien, um die guten Nachrichten und über Entwicklungen zu kommunizieren, die das Leben verbessern. Sie sind um gute Beziehungen bemüht und genießen den starken und professionellen Austausch zur Medienwelt.
INDEX: Design to Improve Life®
INDEX: Award, der größte Designpreis im Wert von € 500,000 und er gilt als die wichtigste Design-Auszeichnung der Welt.
Die Welt Touren INDEX
INDEX: Auszeichnung, Ausstellung präsentiert das positive Ergebnis und Wirkung der weltweit besten Beispiele für “Design to Improve Life” wie HIV / AIDS, Knappheit von Trinkwasser, Terrorismus, nachhaltige Mobilität, Altenpflege zu verbessern, usw.
INDEX informiert, indem Sie die Herausforderungen des wirklichen Lebens als Lernressourcen in den Schulen und die Talente der Schule als Ressource in der Gesellschaft vermitteln. Bildung wird für Studierende, Lehrer, Erzieher und Entscheidungsträger angeboten, um über einen zertifizierten Lehrplan, Sommerschulen und Design-Herausforderungen nachhaltige Lösungen zu schaffen.
INDEX ist engagiert, indem Sie Top-Down und Bottom-Up-Konzepte für Regierungen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Menschen schaffen und in langfristige, wertvolle Netzwerk Kooperationen führen – mit Gewährleistung der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und umweltverträgliche Lösungen. “Design to Improve Life” Städte verbessern ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür.
Gegründet in Dänemark im Jahr 2002. INDEX: Design to Improve Life® fördert den Einsatz von Design und Design-Prozesse, um wichtige Bereiche des Lebens der Menschen weltweit zu verbessern. Die beste Definition für Design von hat das geschätzte Ex-Jury-Mitglied Professor John Heskett zum Ausdruck gebracht:
“Design ist die menschliche Fähigkeit unsere Umwelt in einer Weise zu gestalten, die unseren Bedürfnissen gerecht wird und unserem Leben einen Sinn geben.”
Unsere Mission
Durch INDEX: Auszeichnung – der größte Designpreis der Welt – INDEX: Auszeichnung Ausstellungen, Design Life Education, Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen für globale Herausforderungen.

INDEX: Award 2023 – HERE before it’s too late!
Every year, millions undergo bone-related surgery and not only is the process laden with health risks – such as infection, disease and nerve damage – but it’s an incredibility slow and painful recovery process. Epibone is a revolutionary innovation that could ease a number of these risks as it allows us to grow durable living bones from the stem cells extracted from our bodies. Nina Tandon and Sarindr Bhumiratana designed these ‘custom-made’ bones, in hope to eliminate the current difficult process by extracting stem cells out of the patient’s own body and then engineering living tissues from the patient’s own cells to create durable, living bone crafts in just three weeks.
Not only can we grow bones, but we can also bioprint structurally and functionally accurate tissue models thanks to Organovo. With the main objective to open new doors for medical research, Organovo’s tissues are made available through testing services, customized projects, partnerships, and eventual therapeutic applications. Organovo’s proprietary 3D bioprinting technology enables the creation of tissues that mimic key aspects of native tissues, including tissue-like cellular density, presence of multiple cell types, and the development of key architectural and functional features associated with the target native tissue.
This compact bioprinter has the capacity to print synthetic skin complete with hair follicles and sweat glands. The PrintAlive BioPrinter eliminates the painful process of traditional treatment for serious burns, which involves grafting skin from another part of the body. The machine can print large, continuous layers of tissue, including hair follicles, sweat glands and other human skin complexities using the patient’s own cells, thereby eliminating the problem of tissue being rejected by their immune system. Designed by Arianna McAllister and Lian Leng, the design is also faster and more affordable than any other competing devices on the market.
This cast is not only 3D-printed for a perfect fit, but also has the capacity to speed-up the heeling process by nearly 40 percent. Designed by Deniz Karasahin, the system first scans the patients limb and the data is transferred to the modelling software. The final product – the Osteoid medical cast – is printed into two pieces that can be fixed together like a jigsaw puzzle with a flexible pin used to tightly connect them. The ‘holes’ in the cast make room for the ultrasound plug-ins which provide ‘low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS)’ treatment directly over the bone injury – the key technique used to expedite the bone healing process in only 20 minutes per day.
Designed by Motion Savvy, the UNI is a two-way communication device designed to help the deaf and those who can hear communicate with each other. Harnessing the latest innovations in gesture and voice technology, the UNI is a small, portable mobile device that tracks your hands in live-time, and translates your signs to spoken English. Best of all, you can use it anywhere, anytime – no internet required.
It is no surprise that this revolutionary design by eSight Corporation has gone viral, as it is the only technology that helps people who are legally blind to actually see. The eSight electronic glasses combine a camera, display technology, and advanced computing to deliver a real-time video that enables sight for people with vision loss. Users have complete control over the image they see, which means they can enhance, magnify, and adjust the image to ensure their eyes can best interpret their world. Users of the product have reported that the effects are remarkable: blind spots disappear, faces that haven’t been seen in years snap into focus, books and other entertainment are suddenly accessible and complete freedom of movement is returned.
The app developed by Danish company Be My Eyes, enables you to lend your eyes to the blind and assist them with daily tasks that can often pose them difficulty. When a blind person needs help – whether it be grocery shopping or needing to read a street sign – they can simply request assistance using their phone. The volunteer helper receives a notification for help and a live video connection is established, allowing instant aid when it is most needed.
Designed by Ketham Santosh Kumar, the BMD wristwatch is designed to aid those who suffer from not only blindness, but who are also hearing and/or speaking impaired. The sensor device allows users to tell the time and place by using wireless GPS technology. When a person places their palm on the wristwatch, brail protrudes from the surface enabling them to instantly access the valuable information they need.
In disaster situations is it a matter of life and death that medical assistance and coordination is performed rapidly and efficiently. The Moment Triage system improves and streamlines mass casualty rescue operations, making it easier to navigate through dangerous zones and save more lives. Designed by Anton Hoffman, the system aids rescue personnel in prioritising those who need medical attention most. The solution works by placing one sensor patch on the victims to calculate vital values and one input device carried by the paramedics for personal assessment. The tabs attached to the victims will flash different colours according to how critical their condition is, allowing emergency aid to be simplified, precise and much more effective.
Post-traumatic hemorrhage is responsible for over 35% of pre-hospital deaths and over 40% of deaths within the first 24 hours. The Uflex bandage by industrial designers, Julian Loïs and Inès Le Bihan, is an all-in-one self-inflating compress and gauze for bleeding emergencies. Made of a retractable metal band that allows a user-friendly one handed set up on the wound, once the device is applied it inflates and maintains pressure to stop the hemorrhage. The product is a compact solution that fits into most emergency kits – making it easy to transport and use when needed.
With a number of nations still plagued with conflict, there is a dire need for fast-acting wound treatment for the thousands of soldiers and civilians injured in war zones. Developed by RevMedx®, XSTAT is a revolutionary device for the treatment of these potentially fatal injuries. The device works by injecting a group of small, rapidly-expanding sponges into a wound cavity using a syringe-like applicator. In the wound, the XSTAT sponges expand and swell to fill the wound cavity within 20 seconds of contact with blood. This creates a temporary barrier to blood flow and provides hemostatic pressure. The device that can be rapidly deployed, providing fast-acting hemorrhage control to stabilise a wounded patient.
Hypothermia – a body temperature lower than 35º celsius – is easily curable, but it can be deadly if it is not treated quickly or correctly. Designed as a fast-acting solution, the Otivio Warm is an innovative pre-hospital treatment to stabilise as well as prevent hypothermia. The non-invasive device is placed on the patient’s arm and uses a pulsating vacuum – designed to micmic the heart – and Far Infrared Heat to actively warm-up patients. As the vacuum pulsates, blood is pulled from the core out to the limb, warmed and sent back to the body core. The device is designed specifically for emergency scenarios where portability and ease-of-use is paramount for the survival of patients.
INDEX: Award 2023 – HERE before it’s too late!