Big changes are ahead for humanity as Pluto has entered Aquarius for good over the next 20 years
In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss Pluto in Aquarius from an evolutionary astrology perspective. They discuss how Pluto relates to collective evolution, how evolution exists in two forms (involution and evolution), and how Pluto relates to our collective Karma and soul psychology.
They talk about the process that Pluto transits take us through, what the shift from Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius means for us on different levels, physically, psychologically, and spiritually, how Pluto in Aquarius relates to a struggle against the old worldview and a shift of power, and they discuss how all outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus) changing signs in 2025 mark a significant major change for the world and how that will affect us.
They also discuss how this relates to a technological revolution, how Pluto in Aquarius relates to the ongoing splitting of humanity, a transfer of power from the bureaucracy to the technocracy and the people, and how Bitcoin and crypto play a part in it.
Furthermore, Laura and Bernhard discuss the lessons of Prometheus, and how Pluto in Aquarius relates to us facing our ancient Karma from Atlantis and how it relates to Transhumanism, Black Magic, and hyperdimensional forces – the spirits of darkness that attempt to take over humanity, how a collective “spiritual vacuum” serves as an “entry point” for these occult forces to come in, the major lessons for us, and more.
Show Notes Part 1:
- The “True Sky” vs. Western Astrology debate
- Pluto’s role in evolutionary astrology
- Involution and Evolution (Destruction and Creation)
- Soul Psychology and Pluto as the Lord of the Underworld
- We are all alive during Pluto in Aquarius because we all have certain karma to work out, both as individuals and collectives
- The necessity to make the darkness conscious and facing difficult truths
- Why most people shy away from the process Pluto demands
- There are great gifts for those brave enough to descent into the depths of their own personal darkness to face their deepest fears
- The Plutonian Death-Rebirth Process
- The Law of Descent and Ascent
- The division and polarization we see in the world are a reflection of the fracturing in the collective soul or our inner fragmentation
- Disembodiment, Trauma, and Head-centric living have created a spiritual vacuum
- Pluto is demanding that we face our collective karma regarding Aquarian themes
- How Pluto in Capricorn manifested (2008-2024)
- Pluto in Capricorn, from an evolutionary astrology perspective, has to do with repression, suppression, and depression
- The ultimate lesson of Pluto in Capricorn
- The necessity to process the emotional trauma of the past 15 years to have the opportunity to use Pluto in Aquarius for individuation
- Pluto in Aquarius presents an opportunity for those individuated souls (Aquarius) to use their creativity (Leo polarity) to help humanity forge a new vision for the future
- The polarization in America and the world won’t be solved overnight – the splitting of humanity will continue
- The increase of subcultures, fringe groups, alternative communities, ideological fanaticism, and cults
- Even more significant changes ahead: Neptune in Aries (2025 – 2039) and Uranus in Gemini (2025 – 2033)
- Will we develop our INNER TECHNOLOGY instead of just becoming dependent on OUTER TECHNOLOGY?
- Will technology evolve into a technocratic dystopian nightmare? Or will this be the dawning of a new golden age?
- Trump, Musk, RFK JR. as evolutionary forces in the context of Pluto in Aquarius
- The ultimate lessons of Pluto in Aquarius and what to do to navigate the next 20 years
- Soul Embodiment or bust!
Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)
In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:
- “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens
- How Pluto in Aquarius relates to the splitting of humanity
- Pluto is about the transfer of power from the bureaucracy to the technocracy, but it’s also the power to the people
- Elon Musk and RFK JR. have dominant Aquarius planets in their natal charts
- The role of Musk and Trump in the context of the evolution of consciousness (beyond anything “personal”)
- Decentralization is another big Aquarius theme
- Bitcoin will be a big positive player for humanity over the next 20 years
- Bitcoin’s natal chart from an evolutionary astrology perspective
- Three major players in crypto have strong Aquarius placements
- Pluto in Aquarius and the myth of Prometheus, Zeus, and Pandora
- Powerful technology must be used responsibly – technology is not inherently good or evil; it’s a choice.
- History repeats itself because souls incarnate in groups, and they bring back resonance with specific history periods they lived in before
- Pluto in Aquarius and Atlantis
- Everything we experience now is also related to our “Atlantean Karma coming to fruition” on a collective and individual level
- Many people in power, scientists, and Transhumanists are the reincarnation of Atlantean black magicians
- From a hyperdimensional perspective, the Soratic spirits inspire the religion of Transhumanism THROUGH humans
- A collective “spiritual vacuum” serves as an “entry point” for occult forces to come in
- Why it is short-sighted to blame people like Gates, Fauci, Big Pharma for vaccines, or even Trump for Operation Warp Speed
- The idea of “Good” and “Evil” takes on a whole new dimension when considering the universal law of Karma going back to Atlantis in the context of the evolution of consciousness
- None of us have been all good, innocent, and pure in past epochs and lifetimes
- The antidote to black magic is white magic
- Many unresolved karmic entanglements can be traced back to the later part of the Atlantean epoch
- The similarities of Atlantis to our times and what we will see over the next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius
- An opportunity to resolve and process our Atlantean Karma
- The materialistic timeline of Transhumanism vs. the spiritual timeline of learning the karmic lessons and embodying the soul via psycho-spiritual work
Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)
We are in a massive global psychological and spiritual war
It’s a war over your mind, consciousness, and soul, and it will intensify in 2024 exponentially.
It’s Fifth-generation warfare conducted via social engineering to manipulate you psychologically and emotionally – like getting you upset about the “current thing” as they did with BLM/race-baiting and recently Palestine/Israel.
It works via purposely placed disinformation & distractions and emerging technologies such as AI to hijack and hack your mind (no implanted chip necessary.)
It’s a war of controlling your attention and perception and manipulating you into specific emotional reactions, behaviors, and physical actions as your strings are pulled without your awareness.
They – the matrix forces on seen and unseen levels (from the Deep State to the hyperdimensional occult forces) – know your psychology better than you know yourself, especially if you lack psychological self-awareness.
They know your weaknesses, blindspots, addictions, ego hooks, bias, beliefs you are identified with, cultural/religious conditioning, wishful thinking, fears, hopes, and dreams, and they use them against you.
They will gaslight you and twist your perceptions as they have already done.
They know how easily you can get emotionally triggered and manipulated by hope and fear (two sides of the same coin), tagging into your shadow and all kinds of unconscious wounds most of you are not aware of.
They have weaponized your inherent compassion and empathy against you.
The last four years were already a massive MK Ultra-style trauma installment program. Billions of people have become traumatized (and billions took the medical treatment, which also has detrimental spiritual and psychological consequences) without knowing that they are traumatized.
And that is the best and easiest way to control a person. Anyone who is traumatized, dissociated, and out of body has lost the connection to their inner guidance and soul being; hence, they are easily “programable.” It’s soul fragmentation—a loss of Essence.
This disconnect can be healed but requires awareness, knowledge, and work.
If you lack psychological self-awareness, your emotions and actions are easily manipulated via this psychological warfare by forces outside your awareness.
Unrecognized trauma [disconnection from the true Self] and the subsequent programming create authoritarian followers, as we’ve seen with the Woke Liberal Left. It has also infected many fractions of the conservative right and so-called “truth movement.”
It’s the ultimate form of mind control for a mind-controlled person doesn’t know that he/she is mind-controlled.
So, think logically and with common sense. What is the best defense, protection, and weapon against mind control, psychological, and Fifth-generation warfare?
It is about YOU becoming psychologically awake and aware of yourself, learning and embodying psychological knowledge, doing the inner work to KNOW YOURSELF [beyond your ego personality and your likes and dislikes]
It’s about becoming self-aware and being able to observe your emotions and thoughts without identifying with them or mechanically reacting to them.
The most critical skill and knowledge for 2024 and beyond is practical psychological knowledge to counteract the psychological warfare on your mind and, more importantly, engaging in the inner work, for an intellectual understanding of it alone is limited (and can deceive you that you have “already done the work,” over-estimating yourself)
Then you won’t get manipulated or distracted.
It’s also the foundation for everything else in your life: your relationships, creative potential, abundance, prosperity, joy, and true freedom based on deeper values and your soul purpose [as opposed to the conditioned desires of your wounded ego personality programmed by cult-ure]
Know your triggers and projections and how to work with them. Be aware of the shadow you project externally, which the matrix forces want you to do as they target your triggers and projections to get more of that “loosh” to feed upon.
Not only is shadow work a superpower. You will also help the collective and the world more than any external activism or information-sharing can possibly do by taking responsibility for your triggers and projections and making the darkness conscious within yourself.
If you don’t know the concepts of psychological splitting, projective identification, repetition compulsion, the different types of trauma, and how to work with them and, most importantly, spot them WITHIN YOU, then you are easy prey and target for the matrix forces engaging in this high-level psychological warfare.
It doesn’t matter how much you think you “know” and are “aware” on an informational level. If you don’t know yourself and include the inner work, the [occult] matrix forces will have their ways of getting to you THROUGH you.
You will be programmed to act a certain way and perceive the world in a certain way while you live under the illusion of free will.
Without psychological self-awareness and continuing inner work, your discernment skills will be very limited as you will be tempted to end up in a fringe conspiracy rabbit hole maze that are dead ends and designed to be dead ends to distract from the truth and what awakening to your true nature and transcending the matrix is really about.
You will see traps, shills, and controlled ops everywhere in your black-pilled, paranoid, psychologically split mind – a devastating matrix program based on unconscious trauma [and internal psychological splitting], which is also increasing. It’s where the matrix forces want you to get stuck in.
You might even become convinced that the soul evolutionary process over lifetimes via reincarnation is a trap and karma [the universal law of cause and effect] is not real. You will “resonate” with lies, mistaking them as truth, and “throw away” the truth, mistaking it as lies, and you will be convinced of it as you lie to yourself that you are “awake.”
This inner work and gaining the knowledge necessary to do this work requires focus, concentration, effort, and will.
Some things can’t be spoon-fed via a social media post but require your 100% commitment, sincerity, attention, and investment (time, energy, and sometimes money) to learn more.
Nothing is “free” in the entire universe; you only get how much you give in terms of conscious effort and “paying with yourself.” No one can do it for you.
Psychological awareness and self-work combined with spiritual awareness and esoteric self-work with sincere aspiration to the Divine [without falling into the trap of spiritual bypassing] are the superpowers that any spiritual warrior needs to have and embody as we start 2024, for we haven’t seen anything yet.
We talk more about it on our recent Cosmic Matrix podcast episode, “Your Psychological And Spiritual Survival Guide For 2024,” where we give an overview of what to expect in this new year from a physical, psychological, and spiritual perspective. We give practical tools and advice on how to align with the evolutionary forces and use them to catalyze your growth and ride the immense waves of change during this Time of Transition
By Bernhard Guenther, January 7th, 2024