Shift is NOW
The central point of my latest article on Openhandweb is NOT to be waiting around for the shift to happen to you, or for the Solar Nova “Event” to conclude, whereupon, you’ll find yourself living in 5D. The point is the shift is NOW!
What do I mean exactly?
We’re ALREADY travelling through a high-energy segment of the galaxy.
The sun is ALREADY going through its grand solar minimum, with the sunspot cycle activating.
The Pole Shift is ALREADY diminishing the earth’s magnetic shield increasingly by the day.
Hence the energy field is transforming strongly and progressively. Never mind the reactive machinations of the shadowstate. The point is the elevating energy is growing here and now. Which will increasingly impact everyone’s field. Karma will be kicking off in layers. New aspects of beingness are wanting to come through, embody and express. Major breakthroughs and expansions of consciousness are possible. You can make quantum leaps in how you perceive and act in reality.
So how can you best respond?
Turn into any activating density and work with it.
Expect each day to be different and offer new opportunities.
Keep meditating and downloading the new energies.
Seek and express the new aspects of beingness coming through.
This way, you’re going to make progressive manageable changes that then lead to huge leaps.
The one thing you don’t want to be doing, is sitting comfortably on the sofa.
The time is NOW!
You’d be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary “Event” we’re concluding to will wash it all away. But you’d also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It’s the greatest opportunity of existence. Here’s how.
A Terraforming World: how to Cope?
The world is terraforming around us day by day. As one karmic veil after another gets activated and manifested in the external, it feels at times like a veritable assault-course of pushback, challenge and turmoil. Take now, for example, the major changes happening in the financial sector, that which underpins the old karmic construct and plenty of our lives. You might well wonder, how do I cope?
In these kinds of situations, it’s utterly essential to intuit the movement of the quantum field itself, and to align yourself with it. That will ALWAYS be the resolution.
So what’s going on exactly?
What we’ve incarnated into is a karmic construct going back to Atlantean times when Homo Sapiens was hybridised by an interdimensional intervention to be enslaved within a civilisation of an alien agenda and purpose. 11,700 years ago it was obliterated in a solar nova event that blasted the casing off the pyramids and sent a deluge of meltwater from the last ice age around the globe. It spawned a zillion planetary myths, but all were built upon this underlying truth. The evidence is abound.
Check out this video by the Egyptologist Robert Shock
Don’t miss the heavenly glory!
Since then the intervention has gathered itself back together, reformulated its strategy and rebuilt itself into the high-tech agenda we’re moving rapidly into today. Just like before it will fail, due to another 12000-year convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole-shift cycles. Based on experience, these intervention powers know what’s coming. That’s why they’re now ramping up their various machinations of the metaverse to go off-planet with a swathe of humanity encapsulated within it. It’s seen what’s coming and is desperate. That’s why its measures are becoming increasingly extreme and outlandish – just look at the current White House incumbent to see the ridiculousness of the situation!
But it is essential for evolving people to realise this is just one side of the coin.
We must be aware of it, yes, because it can impact daily life. But if that’s all we focus on, then we’ll miss the other side of the coin and the enormous opportunity the times present. In short, we’ll miss all the heavenly glory!