Europe’s economy has stagnated Europe has been going downhill for a long time, and everyone knows it. While the US...
Freedom Of Speech Is Under Attack!! Free speech is under attack. This has been the case for decades. The difference...
Crypto Market Forecast!! This Report Tells What Happens Next!! – TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:32 July Crypto Market Performance...
TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:41 Financial Nihilism Explained 6:40 Unaffordability Effects 10:51 What To Do About It 14:36 When It...
Here’s What The Elites Are Planning For You! TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:48 Opening Remarks 5:32 Panel Discussions 9:33 Key...
What Bitcoin Did Whitney Webb is an independent investigative journalist who founded Unlimited Hangout, which covers intelligence, tech, surveillance and...
CBDCs Explained While everyone is distracted by the current thing central banks around the world have been rushing to roll out their cbdcs...
You’ll NEVER BELIEVE Who’s Behind CBDCs & Fast Payments Essential Videos UN Digitization Report • The UN’s Plan To Control Us ALL!! Thi… Digital IDs Explained • Digital IDs Are HERE!! Why You Should… FedNow...
UN – Agenda2030 and the SDG TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:48 About The UN 3:02 SDGs, Digitization 5:57 Digital ID,... Rebecca Walser / Global Finance+ CBDC The financial situation looms over everything these days so we are bringing...
SDG, SocialScoring, SocialEngineering, UN and WEF!! Everything is decades in the making… Useful Links Millennium Development Goals:…) SDSN...
15Minute Cities, SDG, SocialScoring, SocialEngineering, UN and WEF and many more… Everything is decades in the making… 15 Minute SmartCity...
Population DECLINE – Is Elon Right!? Here Are The FACTS!! – TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:51 Population Projections 3:49 Why...
How They Will Affect YOU!! 0:00 Intro 0:54 What is OpenAI? 4:29 Who Owns OpenAI? 8:34 ChatGPT Explained 12:43 ChatGPT...
This is CRAZY!! The 2006 U.N council chemtrail presentation! United Nations planen die Verdunkelung des Himmels – TIMESTAMPS –...
How They Will Affect YOU!! 0:00 Intro 0:52 ESG Explained 5:11 CSRD Directive Details 9:38 Double Materiality 11:04 CSRD Example...
Digital ID – TIMESTAMPS – 0:00 Intro 0:56 What is Digital ID? 4:07 Who Is Pushing Digital ID? 9:00 When...