All Video Source Links Can Be Found At The Last American Vagabond Independent Media Alliance Today the Independent Media Alliance...
NANOTECH and FREQUENCIES The Last American Vagabonds Government Docs From 2002 Reveal 20 Year Plan To ‘Alter Evolution’ With Nanotechnology...
Elana Freeland Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, teacher and lecturer who researches and writes on Deep State issues like...
Cultural Transhumanism. Psychological Transhumanism. Technocratic Transhumanism. The Body/Mind Disassociation Industrial complex is Risen. STAY HUMAN! PODBEAN: James Corbett...
Technical Committee on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Synthetic Biology amd Nanotechnologies empower the scientific and engineering communities with groundbreaking...
Nanotechnology injected in humans to fundamentally change the human race Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (@DrAnaMihalcea) describes for Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson...
Techno-Enslavement Systems Techno-Enslavement Systems Graphene Oxide in mRNA Vaccines* A highly educated top doctor and professor at seven universities, who...
Sechste Dimension + Digitalisation of Everything Die Abschaffung des Menschen Im #Manova–#Einheizpodcast diskutieren Sven Brajer @ImWider und @AronMorhoff mit...
Technocracy News Patrick Wood, Editor-in-Chief,, breaks down the dangers of the global push of technocracy and transhumanism, and how...
Professor Dr. Robert W. Gorter Graphene Oxide in mRNA Vaccines* A highly educated top doctor and professor at seven universities,...
BiodigitalConvergence = the technical part of Transhumanism To paint a bigger picture of this Pivotal moment in time we are...
Computer Networking Through The Human Body Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) What is the current status of nanoscale communications in...
The Internet of Things (IoT) vs. Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) The properties of recently studied nanomaterials, such as graphene,...
Militärische Geheimdienstoperationen unter dem Deckmantel des falschen Versprechens der Transzendenz Zusammenfassung Mit der koordinierten globalen Veröffentlichung des Covid-19-Narrativs Ende 2019...
SINGULARITY WEEKLY The world has awakened to threats of extinction-level digital intelligence. Humanity is menaced by the Greater Replacement by...
A Digital Race with New AI Rollout? Episode 368 Has Humanity Spawned A Digital Race with New AI Rollout?;...
Neurotech + Biosurveillance – Alison McDowell Metaverse and Transhumanism Three combined presentations by Alison McDowell looking at how the most...
Transhumanist Technology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Laura Aboli discusses the distinction between transhumanist technology that seeks to...
Grundlage für eine detailliertere militärische Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich der Steigerung menschlicher Fähigkeiten Das Zentrum für Entwicklung, Konzepte und...