SOMETHING BIG is changing within humanity It appears we are living on a completely new timeline—one where the controllers of...
What exactly is the nature of the planetary simulation and how do we break free from it? Join Openhand on...
TIME’S UP! Ascension begins NOW How to go to 5D and 6D (not what you think!) We have reached the...
SOMETHING BIG is changing within humanity I’ll expose the budding hive mind, and why it’s more important than ever for...
Lügen. Vor vielen Jahren erzählte mir ein geliebter Mentor eine Geschichte – ein Gleichnis, wenn Sie so wollen – über...
A Digital Race with New AI Rollout? Episode 368 Has Humanity Spawned A Digital Race with New AI Rollout?;...
Deutsche Politiker verkaufen das AKW-Aus am ersten Jahrestag als Erfolg. Sie erzählen allerdings nicht die ganze Geschichte. Vor genau einem...
5 Signs You will Ascend We’re being absorbed… How can you tell if you are going to ascend? In this...
The dangerous MINDSET that’s going to change the world! We’re being absorbed… The spiritual community’s biggest blind spot! While we’ve...
The Prophecy for 2024 Crimson Circle-Organisation Wir begrüßen zurück in der Show eine Koryphäe im Bereich der spirituellen Führung...
Who are the real Controllers? While we’ve been slumbering away in our politically-driven morass of hate, war, and division, something...
We’re being absorbed… While we’ve been slumbering away in our politically-driven morass of hate, war, and division, something else is...
Simulation theory is becoming increasingly popular. But here’s why you need to think twice before you believe it. Deutsche Untertitel...