Integrating his Anima and conquering the Mother Complex is one of man’s most important inner work Bernhard Guenther, James Bartley,...
Losing friends, romantic partners, and family members In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss waking up and its impact on...
Keep in mind that the conditions of your life reflect who you are inside “You will see that in life...
A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide The mother wound is one of the deepest wounds we can have. Having a mother wound...
Es stehen große Veränderungen bevor. Du kannst sie in der Welt und in deinem eigenen Leben sehen und spüren Aus...
TIME OF TRANSITION More and more people are “waking up” during this Time of Transition, and many of us want...
Spiritual Growth Many of us have been through or are going through a dark night of the soul right now;...