Whynot 1670 2017

The Bitcoin Sleight Of Hand

The New AI Control Structure

Debunking the False Binary with the Independent Media Alliance

The New AI Control Structure

The Last American Vagabond

Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel focusing on the overlap of three main topics; the incoming Trump administration, Bitcoin as a potential strategic reserve, and artificial intelligence. Catherine Austin Fitts, Jason Bermas, Steve Poikonen and Ryan Cristian discuss the intersection of these three topics and what they mean for the future of Bitcoin, as well as the future of the United States and your individual freedom.

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The Last American Vagabond:


Rolling Rock Dec 1, 2024 9:57 AM

Bitcoin has all the hallmarks of a ponzi scheme. There have been a lot of lucky Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency multi-millionaires created, assuming that they sell their coins before the bottom eventually drops out of the market.

It is perfectly plausible that Bitcoin runs up from its current US$ 97,000 (GBP 76,000) a coin to a million dollars a coin but for something intangible, that is built on the blockchain and only has value because in theory only a limited number of these coins can be mined, such that it has rarity value.

In my view, it is no coincidence that Bitcoin is called a ‘coin’, and is shown as a gold coloured coin in photos and its extraction is referred to as ‘mining’. It is to subliminally associate Bitcoin with value, rarity and something tangible (which it is not) ie gold. The speculative capital that would normally be invested in precious metals has been diverted since the invention of cryptocurrencies. A very convenient event for the controllers, helping to suppress the price of precious metals (PMs) at least temporarily, in order to disguise the structural problems within the financial system, which a parabolic rise in PMs would signal.

Precious metals have a 5000 year history and formed the backbone of the financial system for centuries even until the 1970s where fiat paper money was backed by gold, until Nixon took the US dollar off the gold peg and stopped its convertibility to gold.

Bitcoin as the leader in the crypto sphere and its proof of work structure is no replacement for tangible physical items of value. It serves as a tool to accustomise the public to accept digital currencies whether they be overtly central bank controlled or supposedly decentralised cryptocurrencies. A false binary.

Having said the above, there could be a bait and switch in the works, that may come if the controllers decide to first back fiat paper currency with precious metals and not use CBDCs or so-called decentralised cryptos such as Bitcoin to create the new financial system, either delaying their implementation or abandoning the CBDC/digital project entirely. This could be a role that the BRICS+ block will be tasked to fulfill and in doing so would cement their status as the leaders in the New World Order and ensure the collapse of the western led financial system. It would also explain why the central banks of BRICS+ nations have been buying gold and other precious metals over many years, adding to their holdings, meanwhile western central banks have mainly reduced theirs.

Who really is the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin? A mystery figure who could easily be a total invention by the alphabet lettered agencies, similar to their involvement in the history of Faecesbook and other tech giants.

Either way, Bitcoin could be a way to get rich as it has for worked so far for some, but it should not be viewed as anything more than a speculative vehicle for gains in fiat currency value. Anyone who got lucky should ensure that they sell at some point and turn those gains into fiat currency and use that fiat currency to buy tangible assets of value, be it land, property, precious metals or anything else.

One thing is for sure, as I have said several times before, is that those in the know are buying tangible assets with their fiat currency gains, be those gains through their businesses, the stock market, cryptos or other types of financial instruments.

Independent Media Alliance

Welcome to the very first Independent Media Alliance panel. Today we will be discussing the false binary, or as I call it, the two party illusion. One of the important points to discuss today is how this is not a manipulation unique to the United States, but one that is used by power structures all around the world to coerce their respective populations, typically into very specific political choices that benefit the ruling class and almost always as the expense of the people themselves. This concept is, however, much larger than just politicians and political choices, as it can be used to create the illusion of choice in just about any context, giving the false impression of objectivity, when in reality both prearranged choices are not the full scope of possible options and were chosen because either will take you in the direction desired by the manipulation’s architects. Today we will break down this idea, discuss how it affects your life and livelihood, and what actions we can take to solve this problem.

Independent Media Alliance founders Derrick Broze and Ryan Cristián are joined by Iain Davis, Steve Poikonen, Hrvoje Morić and OffG’s own Kit Knightly to discuss the nature and purpose of the “fake binary” narrative control technique.




Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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