an abstract image of a city made up of lines
Photo by Conny Schneider

What is really going on? Transhumanist Futures + Bio-Nano Governance

Chaos is a plot - Defining Transhumanism

They adress your main Fear:
Losing control of own life

It’s easy to see that the turmoil and confusion in the world is increasing.

These events might appear random and chaotic on the surface, but there is something else going on behind the scenes that is not random at all. In this video, I share some important things that you would be wise to consider in your own life. Literally NO ONE is talking about this, so be sure to tune in and find out what might really be going on!


“All of our exalted technological progress, civilization for that matter, is comparable to an axe in the hand of a pathological criminal”.

— Albert Einstein, in a letter to Heinrich Zangger (1917)



Bringing Transhumanism Down to Earth, Part 1

With the coordinated global release of the Covid-19 narrative in late 2019 and the subsequent illogical demands of governments — allied with transnational organisations and pharmaceutical giants — many people around the world began questioning the hasty, unprecedented, and sweeping technological and technocratic changes being made to societies in the name of a highly marketed “medical emergency”. Despite new policies emanating from authorities to isolate, to mask, to restrict all social contact, to accept without question unique experimental gene- and nanoparticle-based injections, and to abide by novel and absurd social norms, many people pushed back against the apparent tyranny. The more enthusiastic that governments were in deleting civil rights, suppressing freedom of speech and due process, the more that people sought to expose the story behind the mainstream Covid-19 narrative. This article, the first in a series of four, considers that story as it intersects with the trajectory of transhumanism. Here in Part 1 we examine how the current uninterrupted global push for a total top-down alteration of humanity, of human biology, of human emotions, and social relations, relates to a philosophy and history of well-funded and highly efficient business and military operations framed as necessarily rational and inevitable. We address the obfuscatory meanings of transhumanism so far propagated, and begin uncovering transhumanism’s roots in the military-intelligence complex, taking NASA and its purported demand for cyborgs in space as our starting point. With a focus on primary sources and military-intelligence material, we lay the foundations for the subsequent three articles in the series, which offer an alternative possible way of understanding the current unfolding process as one aimed at transforming human beings from natural and sovereign creatures to controlled synthetic forms of life.

In these times of great political, economic and societal uncertainty, we can be certain of one thing. Communities across the globe are beset by all the insidious forces of radical change that wo/men in power can dream up for the people they pretend to speak for and rule. The forces of change rank in the command and control of a larger war striving at every turn to camouflage the long-planned transition of humankind. Everything is subject to capture in the programs of transformation for nationhood, personhood, personal identity, agency, and sovereignty. Some people recognise the tensions and the weapons deployed to bring about total captivity and change. Others deny the evidence of the campaigns waged against them.

Extended Article >


Transhumanist Futures, Part 2: Humanity in the Crosshairs

The Transhumanist campaign against humanity, we have outlined in Part 1, is part and parcel of a sophisticated long-game strategy waged against bodies and psyches. With the manipulation of our primal fears and altruistic impulses, the prosecution of this technological onslaught against humanity is camouflaged by linguistic shell games based on sanitising, eulogising and euphemistic language; justification through appeal to valued collective activities such as space exploration; and by claimed threats that humanity is itself the scourge, including through its propensity for “unwanted” love, which is recast as an affliction needing treatment with biochips and neuroceuticals. In this perverse “New Normal”, technocratic regimes of dispossession headed by transnational economic interests and, we argue, the military-intelligence complex, are presented as self-evident and morally justified. Social order, civil rights, and human sovereignty are reconceptualised, repackaged, and reframed in public discourse as “surveillance under the skin”. Part 2 broadens scope beyond NASA and its purportedly space-oriented transhumanist agenda by offering analysis of transhumanist forecasting and planning in an array of military-intelligence strategic vision or ‘futures’ documents, which are focussed both on military personnel and civilian populations. We reveal that this evidence not only casts military personnel as fodder for transhumanist experimentation, but foresees societies and leadership agendas stratified along transhumanist lines. The trail of documentation ultimately leads to an intersection with military-intelligence scenario planning for a pandemic-ravaged dystopian global landscape in the year 2020, with real and present implications for impending global governance under the World Health Organisation, with ratification of amendments to International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Preparedness treaty pending in May 2024.

Too often do we marvel at the power of the institutions we have constructed over time, and too often do we take for granted that ministers of state power have a genuine interest in attending to the needs of the citizenry who give consent to their rule. But how, in these times of systematic societal destruction, can we understand the ways in which a “New Normal” is being built before our eyes in the biological systems that comprise families, communities, and nations? How is the great transformation unfolding in real-time? Can the material evidence of fundamental change be discerned through the obscurity of official planning, policies and papers already published?

Extended Article >


Part 3: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0

Military Operations in Civilian Disguise

Since government must be involved in the accumulation of capital to legitimate its activities, and since humans are, in the eyes of government, key resources, government must therefore be involved in activities that manage, control and increase the efficiency of these resources whilst at the same time fostering the spread of business. As we have outlined throughout Parts 1 and 2, history shows evidence of how the transhumanist movement has gained a foothold in society through government and business activities, in accordance with high-level military-intelligence forecasting and scenario planning, and how the global program may be viewed and understood as the only rational response to increasingly outdated humans who, save for the gift of high-tech bio/nano brain-chip upgrades, cannot compete against the machines. These kinds of sentiments, wrong as they are, are reflected in language output, which represents the centre of our thinking. Part 3, thus, introduces aspects of cognitive science as a way of examining more closely how centres of power conceptualise human beings and their environments as containers to be managed and controlled by authorities, and how these conceptualisations appear in language, in policy, and in practice. We make the case that behind the theatre of government, electoral politics and manufactured global crises, transhumanist battle-plans have been consistently enacted in policy and in governance, such that “democratic processes” do little more than provide civilian cover for military operations.

As we discussed throughout Part 2, official documents tell the story of a sustained, well-funded, and furtive military-intelligence campaign to transform the human being from a natural biological life-form possessing unalienable rights, agency, and sovereignty to a synthetically modified entity whose body and psyche are penetrated by the latest technological “enhancements”. Clever neologisms are, thus, needed to represent the imagined ontological states new to the human experience, to make these novel forms of existence acceptable in the ears and in the hearts of the submissive masses. The project begs the question: Are we really being parsed into totally new social categories as described in the Proteus papers?

One way to answer the question is to examine more deeply how language is used to legitimate practices of redefining humans and reengineering both biological and social systems. Since language is at the very centre of concept formation in humans,[1] it represents a key area of understanding how it reflects popular thinking about how and why certain actions are being taken in the real world — how and why such absurd social policies, for example, are crafted and for what ultimate aim.

Extended Article >


Dr. Lissa Johnson is an independent researcher who writes about the psychological aspects of public affairs, psychological operations, human rights abuse, citizenship, and the exercise and abuse of power. Her qualifications include undergraduate degrees in media studies and in behavioural science, with an honours thesis in neuroimmunology, an MA in clinical psychology, and a PhD on the psychological processes involved in manipulating reality-perception. She has written extensively on the persecution of Julian Assange and the war on Wikileaks. Her work has appeared in The Lancet, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Canberra Times, WAtoday, and New Matilda, among others. From 2003, Lissa began a practice in clinical psychology and in 2023 relinquished her psychologist registration due to repressive health practitioner legislation. In 2024, she stepped down as Director, exiting the health profession. Her current focus is on the social-psychological aspects of the Covid era, the role of military-intelligence agencies, and transhumanism.

Transhumanismus was ist das?

Digitalisation of Everything






Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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