Piercing the Veil of Reality

How To Thrive In 2025 + Major Shifts

A PsychoSpiritual Guide

Audio Podcast

The past few years have left many people in a much different world than they were before

We have heard people saying that the jump from 2019 to 2024 has felt violent,intense, and almost unnatural and that they’ve lived five different lives in the past few years alone.

This intense period of global chaos has led many to profound inner and outer transformations. The world we’ve known has suddenly shifted, and we now find ourselves in a much different landscape than before.

Not only are many of us much different people from these experiences, but as a result, many of our relationships have entirely shifted, and for some, our work, our purpose, and our daily lives have entirely changed, too.

As we near the end of 2024, with all the outer planets about to change signs in 2025, it feels like we are in a bit of a limbo state between the world we knew and the new world we are entering.

The next year, 2025, will represent a massive evolutionary change for us as individuals and for the collective. Not only is this the end of the year, but with all the outer planets about to change signs, it’s also the end of an ERA.

It’s a good time to reflect on the past years, see what you’ve learned, consider what has changed, and plant seeds for what you want to create in the future.

In this episode, we reflect on the end of this era and how we can use the power of our creativity right now to imagine the world we want to create as we enter a new era.

We discuss what to reflect on as all the outer planets change signs, how things may manifest faster as they change into air and fire, and the importance of creative visualization and noticing how thoughts become reality.

We discuss the important concept of “seed people,” representing the wave of agents of change who will take us into the future and how you can become one yourself.

Furthermore, we discuss the nodes switching to Pisces/Virgo and how this will bring these around mind, body, spirit, and health into focus.

We also discuss the importance of following your bliss, how to find it, and the actual “secret” to reality creation and manifestation that many new-age teachings about this idea miss, oversimplify, or distort.

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Podcast Show Notes Part 1:

  • Reflection over the past 5 years and where we are now
  • Your psychological and emotional evolution over the past 15 years
  • Moments of disillusionment and confusion (Neptune in Pisces)
  • Questions like “Who am I? What is my purpose? What ideals are really important to me?” will take center stage with Neptune in Aries in 2025
  • A good time to start a new project centered around your new visions for the person you are becoming.
  • Revolutions will happen in how we communicate, education, transportation, and how we use technology (Uranus in Gemini)
  • It’s a time to move away from seeking freedom through resources and instead seeking freedom in how you express yourself
  • Significant change: All outer planets will be in air and fire signs
  • Major shift in emphasis from the feminine/yin energies of earth and water to the masculine/yang energies of fire and air
  • Importance of dreaming the world we want to live in, creative visualization, clearing the shadows, healing grief
  • Importance of taking action
  • The “seed people” concept by Dane Rudhyar


Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)

In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

  • Nodes switching to Pisces – Virgo and what that means for 2025
  • Karmic lessons and big themes around body-mind-spirit and health
  • Jupiter in Cancer and the importance of following your bliss
  • How to Find Your Bliss
  • Question what you “really” want as opposed to what has been programmed into you or which may be a way to fill a hole/wound inside
  • Embodying the joy of the inner child
  • The most valuable assets in the information age are your ability to FOCUS and to hold ATTENTION
  • What should you read?
  • Importance of establishing a good daily routine (know what is good and what is bad for you)
  • The issue with certain aspects of social media lowering your frequency/consciousness (outrage porn, rage bait, videos of violence and death)
  • The actual “secret” of reality creation and manifestation
  • How to think positively without forcing it or suppressing any negative feelings
  • Key signs of when you are in alignment and following your bliss


Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)




Get ready for a wild ride

The year 2025 ahead is one of the biggest turning points in humanity as Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Uranus, and Jupiter are changing signs this year

Major Shifts
This month, the most powerful aspect is Mars retrograde opposing Pluto. They will be exact on January 3, along with Ketu trine Pluto and Rahu trine Mars.

This very rare and unusual planetary combination indicates a major shift in humanity and can signify serious events that will change the world. It’s a point of destiny involving Pluto – the planet of major transformation – as opposed to Mars – the planet of violence.

Both are aspected by the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, which represent our destiny. Even if there is not a powerful event, there is something huge brewing beneath the surface.
The last week of December introduced profound shifts, especially in awareness. Now a massive shift will occur as anger, fighting, and war are looming. There are many new issues surrounding war as the way we fight is changing.

The drone sightings are an indication of coming events and play an important role in how wars will be fought.

Another significant astrological event is that for six months – from November 2024 to April 2025 – the full Moons all occur at 29 degrees.

The full Moon occurring at the 29-degree mark indicates the end of an era and the beginning of a new world. This month, the full moon occurs at 29 degrees Gemini.
Uranus is the planet of change and awakening, and this month it indicates there are massive changes coming. Uranus is stationing direct this month at 29 degrees Aries.

This puts Uranus and the Sun in an exact trine aspect, which means a radical change in global leadership. It could indicate the new presidency of Donald Trump.
The U.S. Chart
On January 20, transiting Mars will retrograde back into Gemini, where it will remain through April 2.

While it is in Gemini, there will be major events occurring with the United States since the USA chart has important planets in Gemini.

The Sun will be incredibly important, as it represents the president in this chart. Mars will station on the USA Sun February 23, indicating rage and attack towards the president.

The new Moon occurs on January 29, another indication that we are on the brink of a huge change. As Mars retrogrades back in Gemini (January 20 -21), it will be 29 degrees, crossing the mark of the previous full Moon.

Unbelievably, Mars transits back to the 29-degree mark on the day of Trump’s Presidential Inauguration. This marks that unseen events are brewing. On top of this, Pluto is exactly conjunct with the Sun. The Sun is the President and Pluto indicates major transformation.
Unforeseen Events
Another very important aspect occurring this month is that Neptune and Rahu are conjunct on January 31 at 3 degrees Pisces with Venus. Neptune is the planet of fog, deception, scandals, secrets, and unforeseen events – which are amplified as Neptune is conjunct Rahu.

This could impact several areas of our lives:
Health: Neptune and Rahu rule disease, and Ketu sits in Virgo pertaining to health. Could this be an indication of another pandemic brewing beneath the surface? It appears there is a big fog or cloud that covers the world. Again, something completely unforeseen is occurring now.

Weather: Neptune and Rahu in Pisces also indicates severe weather, particularly pertaining to the oceans and seas. Pisces and Neptune both rule the oceans and water.

Governments: Neptune conjunct Rahu in Pisces also indicates major deception concerning governments and truth coming out about previous corruption. I expect many truths to be unveiled that have been conspiracies for years.

Energy: Many earth-changing events will occur involving oil and gas and possible drilling and exploration. There will be major accidents, oil spills, and explosions. The earth will shake with this kind of damage.
Economic Changes

Lastly, a very important astrological aspect that flavors the time between now and May 2025 is that Venus is in Pisces (exalted) due to its retrograde cycle and Jupiter is in Taurus.

They are both in each other’s sign of rulership, which is a mutual exchange of signs called “Parivartana.”

This can indicate a time of great financial gains as both planets rule wealth and money. The economy and stock market will be on the rise.

There are many more incredible events that will occur this year 2025 – particularly from June to August, as this is another time of remarkable and serious change.
I will keep you posted. All these details are in my recording of Predictions for 2025.

We are entering very unstable times beginning January 2025. This year is going to be extremely eventful.

Joni Patry




A New Era In Collective Evolution – Pluto in Aquarius



Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der “alten Denkschablonen “. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine “grüne” Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer “besseren Welt” verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.


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