Cast aside our chains of slavery and submission once and for all
It’s Time to FREE OURSELVES once and for all
Did you know that we humans come to Earth with a specific mandate in our hearts and souls, which is rarely recognized from birth on? Let me show you the hidden reason why we have found it so difficult to evolve as human creators in the cosmos after we come to this planet. In this video, I explain what that reason is and show you an emerging opportunity in 2025 to free ourselves so we can evolve as the intelligent beings that we truly are. We have a chance to FINALLY find the peace and empowerment we are looking for
The dawn of a new hope for humanity may be on the horizon! Massive changes are coming in 2025 as we face a new timeline split and the exponential growth of AI. But there could be a blessing in disguise hiding in plain sight, just waiting for us to wake up, open our eyes, and cast aside our chains of slavery and submission once and for all…
Okay. Let’s talk about the fires in California
This feels like a tipping point to me. Finally it seems like people are awake to the fact that it’s the horrible politicians and their ilk who are responsible for this catastrophe. It used to be that everyone wanted to know who started the fires. But something has changed…
Things are so bad now that it almost doesn’t matter who lit the match. What matters is that the entire world can see that it’s the politicians who set the stage for California’s latest experience of Armageddon by making sure that this would happen, no matter who lit the fuse.
It seems like they wanted such a thing to happen. Let’s use a simple analogy. It’s like if you had a murderous criminal in jail, and the politicians said, “You know what? We can use this guy!” So they proceed to unlock the door, hand him a bunch of weapons, and give him a private limousine ride to his favorite restaurant so he will be well-fed with his favorite ‘fuel’. Then they load all of his weapons in the car, and drive him to the exact spot where he can commit mass murder on a huge crowd of people. They send him off with good wishes for his success in killing as many people as possible.
Then when the carnage ensues, they act innocent, point to the murderer, and say, “Hey, it wasn’t us! It was him!” “We didn’t do anything wrong.We care about you! 🤡🤡🤡”
Now replace the fictitious murderer in this story with the actuality of fire 🔥🔥🔥. The politicians and their minions made sure that there would be no water, the land would be as parched as possible, the fire department would not have the necessary resources, and there would be fuel-a-plenty for the biggest inferno ever seen! They lied and stole money that was earmarked for fire solutions that should have been enacted years ago. They sent fire department supplies and money to Ukraine.
In other words, they gave fire 🔥 the red-carpet treatment to go in and be able to burn down as much as possible.
I don’t know about you, but to me this really feels like the last straw. I think we all know that this did not have to happen.
I believe we are in the midst of a turning point here on Earth. The fires in California are just one small part of a much bigger planetary fiasco.
If you have followed me on YouTube for awhile, then you know I have often said that the controllers of this planet are an abject failure. We think they are powerful because they have so effectively enslaved us. But change your paradigm for a moment. These characters have been in control of this Earth and human civilization for a very long time. How you rate them depends upon your standard.
Let’s rate them from an extraterrestrial, high intelligence, evolutionary point of view. People who are this incompetent have no business running anything, much less an entire planet. I actually think that humanity is finally waking up to this. These controllers are like out-of-control, cosmically insane toddlers.
Our collective problem is that religions and social propaganda have convinced us that we are unworthy. We have not believed that we are deserving of competent leadership that works in the best interests of humanity and the planet at the highest possible level of forward-moving evolution.
But I have a feeling that people are finally getting collectively fed up with these characters who have controlled our civilization for far too long. When you get people as deranged as Bill Gates who is building technology to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and trap it underground, you just know we have entered the land of unbelievable cartoon characters showing up in real life.
So I feel that the tide is turning. The politicians and corporations are not able to hide anymore. We see their true lack of character and their perpetual dishonesty. We see how they use the media to gaslight us every single day so they can get away with their murderous antics.
And this is why I think governments are in a state of collapse around the world. Because we, the real humans, are finding our backbones again. We are rediscovering our intrinsic worth. We are getting off our knees and finding our legs again. We are learning to stand up for ourselves.
And these cartoonish ‘children’ pretending to be adults are being seen for what they are. They are basically spoiled, cosmic brats.
It’s kind of like the scene at the end of The Wizard of Oz, where the “great and powerful Oz” is exposed as the little man that he actually is. I hope we have reached that moment today, when we discover that the controllers behind the curtain have no power once we see them for what they really are.
My newest YouTube video above is about how we can re-frame our relationship to AI, so that we retain our power and authority as human beings. AI is fully here and will evolve exponentially in 2025. It is imperative that we position ourselves with power and intelligence about this. That way we have some measure of control over how it influences us instead of turning this over to the controllers and their evil agenda. We could actually come out of this better off, if we are able to rise to the challenge.
2025 Prediction – A NEW PURPOSE for Earth?
We need to have a serious talk about where we are as we near 2025. This coming year is going to represent the apex of a HUGE planetary turning point. The purpose of planet Earth is about to change.
Laura Matsue
Trump, Musk vs the Controllers…
What if our common view of the Great Timeline Split is completely wrong? Are we being set up for a checkmate? Let’s take an interdimensional, multi-dimensional view of our planetary situation, and watch what is suddenly revealed
here is what’s coming…