Importance of balancing physical and spiritual health In this Cosmic Matrix Episode, Laura Matsue and Bernhard Guenther explore the intricate...
Veil of Reality
Integrating his Anima and conquering the Mother Complex is one of man’s most important inner work Bernhard Guenther, James Bartley,...
The past few years have left many people in a much different world than they were before We have heard...
The Traps of Inner Work related to Spiritual Bypassing, why no Step can be skipped and how to avoid the...
Big changes are ahead for humanity as Pluto has entered Aquarius for good over the next 20 years In this...
Die Welt scheint sich in zwei verschiedene Zeitlinien aufgespalten zu haben, in zwei unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungen der Realität. Dies ist seit...
CREATE THE NEW WORLD Many people are facing challenges during this Time of Transition. The world is changing dramatically, and...
Losing friends, romantic partners, and family members In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss waking up and its impact on...
What does it mean to have taken the proverbial red pill from a psycho-spiritual perspective in the process of awakening?...
Process of Awakening The process of awakening ties into the evolution of consciousness and ultimately into individuation and soul embodiment....
Keep in mind that the conditions of your life reflect who you are inside “You will see that in life...
A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide The mother wound is one of the deepest wounds we can have. Having a mother wound...
Suggestions to navigate the times ahead One of the most common questions people ask us is: what do you guys...
The real war is within Laura and Bernard talk to astrologer, psychotherapist, and author Mark Jones about Spiritual Psychology and...
What Triggers the most? TIME OF TRANSITION The One Who Triggers Or Irritates Us The Most Is Our Greatest...
TIME OF TRANSITION The current climate of cancel culture is affecting people’s lives and mental health in all sorts of...
TIME OF TRANSITION People are becoming more extreme in their positions while projecting onto the other side, blaming them for...
The Necessity For Psycho-Spiritual Work For The Next Stage Of Humanity’s Evolution “The line separating good and evil passes, not...
Es stehen große Veränderungen bevor. Du kannst sie in der Welt und in deinem eigenen Leben sehen und spüren Aus...
TIME OF TRANSITION See also a Video with Sacha Stone in the bottom TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE RESET Laura and Bernhard...