Eva Vlaardingerbroek The Great Replacement April 27 2024

Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Amsterdam: I spoke the forbidden truth

The Great Replacement

The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality.

“This time in history will be known as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by the corrupt elite & made the host nation pay for it too”. “I know one thing, if nothing changes, if we don’t seriously start to fight for our continent, our religion, for our people, for our Countries, then this will go down as the time in history in which Western nations never had to be invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered”. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.

About Eva Vlaardingerbroek: My motto in life is ‚Resist Much, Obey Little‘. As an independent political and cultural commentator and legal philosopher, I’ve dedicated my life to the fight for freedom in the Western world – exposing the globalist lies. You might know me from my work for the fate of the Dutch Farmers, my appearances on Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Mark Steyn show and many other media. Since I value my independence and liberty to speak freely more than anything in life, I’m a freelancer who’s not linked to or backed by a cooperation or organization. If you support my work and would like me to be able to continue the fight, please consider making a donation. I greatly appreciate it. God bless you all! – Eva Vlaardingerbroek


Nachhaltigkeit + die Entdeckung Trojanischer Pferde…

Populäre Projektionen dessen, wie eine Bewusstseinsveränderung aussehen wird, sind in den meisten Fällen nur eine Neugestaltung der „alten Denkschablonen „. Eine größere, bessere Box, in der das Paradigma aufgewertet wird, das die Bedingungen verbessert, unter denen wir unsere Sucht auf eine „grüne“ Art und Weise genießen können.

So wichtig wie das ökologische Bewusstsein ist, es ist nicht genug. Das neue Paradigma kann nicht aus der intellektuellen Abstraktion einer dualistischen Interpretation einer „besseren Welt“ verwirklicht werden, die auf der Infrastruktur der existierenden Varianten-Matrix aufbaut, die dieses Paradigma erzeugt.

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